帮忙翻译几条关于罐的注释? 6. Tank to be designed with a weak roof seam. 7. Provide 8-inch pipe size gaging hatch with non-sparking, self-closing, hinged cover plate. 8. Roof manway (Nozzle No.2) shall be equipped with an emergency hatch cover. 9. Roof nozzles 3-inches and larger shall have reinforcing plates. 10. Provide draw off sump. 11. Nozzle size to be determined by Detailed Engineering Contractor. 12. Total surge volume (between HLL and LLL) shall be 37 m3 or more. Vessel dimensions are estimated, and may be varied to suit standard tank sizes. 13. Tank to be stress relieved.查看更多3个回答 . 2人已关注