硼氢化钠溶液配制 急需?文献上原话是:1.0mL of 37mM of AgNO3,corresponding to 4mg of Ag, was added into the suspension under rapid stirring. Exactly 0.20mL of 1.5M of NaBH4, which acts as a reducing agent to reduce Ag+ to Ag, was immediately added into the solution and vigorously stirred for at least 30min. The Ag:NaBH4 molar ratio was kept at ~1:8 for all the synthesis. 请教各位老师们,文献中的0.2mL 1.5mol/L 硼氢化钠溶液 怎么配制呀?第一次用硼氢化钠,请多多指教。如果控制用量在1g以内的话需要冰水浴吗?怎么控制硼氢化钠的用量啊?查资料说25℃是,溶解度55g/100g 查看更多1个回答 . 17人已关注