看看翻译对不对 啊~? Coriolis and Vortex meters are the preferred type of flow transmitters although for critical measurements, where the process line cannot be shutdown during normal operations, in-line meters and non-retractable insertion type transmitters shall not be used. In these cases orifice plates or other differential pressure producing elements with differential pressure transmitters shall be considered. 对于在正常操作时工艺管线不能停车的关键测量点,如果不能使用在线仪表和不可收回的内置型 变送器 ,最好是选择使用科里奥利和涡流表。在这种情况下,应使用流量孔板或配有 差压变送器 的其它差压元件。查看更多3个回答 . 2人已关注