请教制备过介孔碳氮材料mpg-C3N4的前辈?请教各位有谁做过介孔碳氮材料mpg-C3N4?以下是我要做的mpg-C3N4材料的步骤,可是我照着做老是没做出来,求各位指导症结所在。 5 g of cyanamide and 12.5 g of Ludox-HSO4 silica dispersion are mixed together until complete dissolution of cyanamide. The??mixture is heated in an oil bath at 100oC upon stirring for ca .3h until removal of water and formation of a white solid. The powder is then grounded in a mortar, transferred into a crucible??and heated under air at 2.3 oC min-1 (4h) up to 550 oC and then treated at 550 oC for 4h. The as-obtained yellow powder is grounded in??a mortar and then treated under stirring during 2 days in a NH 4 HF2??4 mol L-1 solution. The dispersion is then filtered, the precipitate is washed with distilled water and ethanol. After filtering, the yellow compound is dried under vacuum at 100 oC overnight.十分感谢啊,谢谢,很着急。已经思考做了近一个月,仍无结果。查看更多2个回答 . 18人已关注