聚合物电解质PVDF/PMMA共混膜的制备?本人刚开始做 聚合物 电解质膜,参照一篇文献做聚合物电解质PVDF/PMMA共混膜,但是做出来的膜很脆,我是按文献中取10mlDMF+1ml甘油,100ml烧杯中磁力搅拌先使两种溶剂混合均匀,再称取15wt%(占混合溶剂质量比)PVDF+PMMA(两者质量比5:5),加入烧杯中,80度磁力搅拌3h,使聚合物溶解到溶剂中,第一次做时发现搅了一个半小时后,DMF挥发了很多,最后溶液变得粘度很大的那种,第二次做时,我在烧杯上用保鲜膜包住了烧杯口,这样DMF不会跑掉了,搅了3个小时后,在玻璃板上刷膜,然后在 真空烘箱 中120度下放了24h,但得到的膜很脆,很容易烂掉。溶解聚合物时的过程不太明白,到底是否这个过程中溶剂挥发些,或者是应该让溶剂挥发些以得到特定粘度的浆液呢? 请高手们指导下,谢谢!下面是文献中实验部分的内容:The polymer blend membranes were prepared by the phase-separation method. Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF,Mw = 534,000, Sigma–Aldrich) and poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA, Mw = 350,000, Sigma–Aldrich) were dried for 24 h at100 ?C in vacuum. The required amounts of PVDF and PMMA were dissolved in a mixture of N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF, 99.8%,Sigma–Aldrich) and glycerin (Fluka) (10:1 by volume), and stirred for 3 h at 80 ?C. Then, the solution was cast onto a glass plate and dried at 120 ?C for 24 h in vacuum. During this process, DMF and glycerin evaporated in turn, and the voids left by the glycerinformed micropores. The polymer electrolytes were obtained by soaking the obtained membranes in 1 M LiPF6 in a mixture of ethylene carbonate (EC) and dimethyl carbonate (DMC; 1:1 by volume, MERCK, Germany). The compositions of the PVDF/PMMA membranes and the corresponding polymer electrolytes that were prepared are listed in Table 1. M0, M30, M50. M70, M90, and M100designate the membranes with PVDF to PMMA (wt.%:wt.%) weight ratios of 100:0, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70, 10:90, and 0:100, respectively.The corresponding polymer electrolytes are designated as E0, E30,E50, E70, E90, and E100, respectively.查看更多6个回答 . 2人已关注