标准样品翻译,请校核一下!? 原文 :标准样品:由具备标准物制备资质的部门配制。标准样品内含 杂质 组分...............的含量应与实际工业生产样品状况接近,以##为平衡气。各杂质组分含量标称值不确定度不得大于3%。 译文 :Reference gas: made by the department with standard substance preparation qualification. The contents of the ...............in the reference gas should be close to the contents of the industrial sample, and ##used as balance gas. The deviation that all the impurities values should less than 3% 此文为我一朋友所译(中译英),是分析手册中的内容 请各路高手帮忙校核一下 是否有欠妥之处,欢迎光临指正!! [ ]查看更多2个回答 . 2人已关注