自己封装金属铝电极?本人研究金属铝在强碱型溶液中的腐蚀与防护,曾请专门制作电极的厂家制作了一批铝电极,是通过把铝机械挤压进 聚四氟乙烯 中形成的,但在测试的过程中发现,碱溶液能够渗入铝与聚四氟乙烯的缝隙中,致使电化学测试重现性差,看到文献中有人自制金属电极“For electrochemical tests, the square specimens, with an electric copper wire contact fixed on the inner surface, were embedded in Epofix resin, so that, after the preparation, they exposed the outer surface to the aggressive solutions.”我在想用这种方法自己制作电极效果会不会更好,查了一下“Epofix resin”,似乎是 环氧树脂 漆,但是进口的很贵,国产的又不知道靠不靠谱。因此想请教各位有相关经验的前辈,希望能得到大家的指点,小弟在此谢过大家了!查看更多1个回答 . 10人已关注
好文共享:Hongjie Dai发表于Nature Communications的新牛文,快速充电的镍铁电池!?An ultrafast nickel–iron battery from strongly coupled inorganic nanoparticle/nanocarbon hybrid materialsAbstractUltrafast rechargeable batteries made from low-cost and abundant electrode materials operating in safe aqueous electrolytes could be attractive for electrochemical energy storage. If both high specific power and energy are achieved, such batteries would be useful for power quality applications such as to assist propelling electric vehicles that require fast acceleration and intense braking. Here we develop a new type of Ni–Fe battery by employing novel inorganic nanoparticle/graphitic nanocarbon (carbon nanotubes and graphene) hybrid materials as electrode materials. We successfully increase the charging and discharging rates by nearly 1,000-fold over traditional Ni–Fe batteries while attaining high energy density. The ultrafast Ni–Fe battery can be charged in ~2 min and discharged within 30 s to deliver a specific energy of 120 Wh kg?1 and a specific power of 15 kW kg?1. These features suggest a new generation of Ni–Fe batteries as novel devices for electrochemical energy storage.ncomms1921-f1.jpg查看更多0个回答 . 17人已关注