Headwaters 与Axens结成煤直接液化联盟? Headwaters and Axens form directcoal liquefaction alliance Headwaters Inc announced that they have signed an agreement to form a strategic alliance to provide a single-source solution for producing ultra-clean fuels by direct coal liquefaction (DCL) alone or in combination with refinery residues or biomass.Headwaters Inc and Axens create a strategic alliance around their Direct Coal Liquefaction (DCL) technologies. The two companies will combine their technologies and licensing activities for Coal-To-Liquids (CTL) projects worldwide. The new ‘Alliance DCL’ expects to provide a single-source solution for producing ultra-clean transportation fuels from coal –whether alone or in combination with other low-cost or renewable feedstocks, such as biomass and refinery residues. Headwaters brings its slurry catalyst technology and its extensive CTL research facilities. Axens will contribute its ebullated-bed H-Coal Process and proprietary catalyst. Both evolved from a common background and DCL technologies developed by Hydrocarbon Research Inc (HRI), which were commercialised with support from the US Department of Energy and industrial clients. Press release from: Headwaters Inc, 11778, S Election Road, Suite 210, Draper, UT 84020, USA. Tel: +1 801 984 9400. Fax: +1 801 984 9410. Website: http://www.hdwtrs.com (19 Jan 2010) .注$ # , $ $ 查看更多1个回答 . 1人已关注