求推荐化工英语教材? 【分享】伊索寓言:瞎子和小野兽 the blind man and the whelp a blind man was accustomed to distinguishing different animals by touching them with his hands. the whelp of a wolf was brought him, with a request that he would feel it, and say what it was. he felt it, and being in doubt, said: "i do not quite know whether it is the cub of a fox, or the whelp of a wolf, but this i know full well. it would not be safe to admit him to the sheepfold." evil tendencies are shown in early life. 瞎子和小野兽 一个瞎子精於用手触摸各种动物,甚么动物只要他一摸,便能分辨出来。有个人带来一条小狼,请他摸一摸,说出是甚么东西。他摸了摸这个小野兽后说:「这是一条狐狸,还是一条狼,我不大清楚。不过有一点我却十分明白,让这种动物进羊栏总是不安全的。」 查看更多