关于EDR7.2设计热虹吸换热器的一个警告? 各位好,在运行EDR设计釜式热虹吸 再沸器 过程中,遇到了这样一个问题: the thermosiphon calculation with the specified flow leads to an inconsistency in pressure change around the circuit of -0.06678 bar. The driving head of liquid corresponds to 0.21356 bar. A negative inconsistency in pressure means that extra flow resistance would be required to achieve this flow, and that in reality the flow would be higher than that specified. The thermosiphon Stability Analysis should also be treated with caution when there is a pressure inconsistency around the thermosiphon loop. 有的朋友建议说是推动力不足,但我提高推动力(操作液位),-0.06678这个值会进一步减小,变为-0.3、-0.4这样,降低液位,该值会向0靠近,但过低,该值变为正数,报警仍然存在,是否说明该值为负数是表示推动力大于阻力?请大家帮我看看如何解决这个问题,谢谢 查看更多7个回答 . 3人已关注