锰酸锂 second-level charge performance 最新文献 600C 6秒充电?看来水系的电池最近比较火爆~~~还是出于复旦wuyuping教授课题组 LiMn 2 O 4 nanotube with a preferred orientation of (400) planes isp:repared by using multiwall carbon nanotubes as a sacri ? cial template. Because ofthe nanostructure and preferred orientation, it shows a superfast second-level chargecapability as a cathode for aqueous rechargeable lithium battery. At the charging rateof 600C (6 s), 53.9% capacity could be obtained. Its reversible capacity can be 110mAh/g, and it also presents excellent cycling behavior due to the porous tubestructure to bu ? er the strain and stress from Jahn ? Teller e ? ects.查看更多0个回答 . 10人已关注