PRO/II中的damping cutoff有何意义? Damping Cutoff (CHEM and LLEX algorithms only) The damping factor is only applied when the sum of the errors is greater than this value. The default is 10-8. 见到过一些收敛难度较大的通常会将其调大一些 但是还不是特别清楚这个参数在收敛过程当中会起到什么作用 有了解这个的高人还请多多指教一二 谢谢了 查看更多11个回答 . 3人已关注
from the historian 该如何理解呢? 原文:all test data shall be collected twice, in no greater than 5 minute intervals, from the historian for the entire duration of the test. 问题: from the historian 该如何理解呢? 背景:装置性能考核 确实是历史数据,from DCS 查看更多1个回答 . 3人已关注