酸性气体存在时镀一层什么更好? 当然是镀镍啦,很方便很实用!查看更多 12个回答 . 4人已关注
请问:铜电解 都需要哪些电气设备? 请问:铜电解 都需要哪些电气设备, 除了大功率 整流器 ,还有其他电气设备吗。查看更多 3个回答 . 1人已关注
加氢型含硫污水与非加氢型含硫污水的区别? RT。 由于我没有在炼油厂工作过,所以搞不清楚这这两者的区别,以及后面的处理工艺。请各位大侠指教。 查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
国内目前有没有能制造多晶硅工艺中还原炉设备的厂家? 国内目前有没有能制造 多晶硅 工艺中 还原炉 设备的厂家? 没搞懂为什么一直都是采购国外的设备,自我感觉应该不难哦查看更多 3个回答 . 2人已关注
有使用厌氧菌预酸化污水的么? 请教下各位专家,能否用厌氧菌预酸化污水。预酸化后的污水再入 污水处理系统 ?查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
干式变压器采购注意事项? 配变?特变?没范围啊! 配变就按照负荷量进行考虑,主要是设备的绝缘等级、制造周期、安装调试等等。不是有技术协议么,能想到的都写上不就完了。 查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
《双重预防体系建设心得体会》? 《 双重预防体系 建设心得体会》 一个偶然,非常偶然,纯属偶然的际遇,把我推到了公司 双重预防体系 建设的核心位置。而这个核心不是挂职的核心,是有责任担当的核心。这个活不用管是明白不明白,吃透了没吃透,都要撸起袖子加油干,带领兄弟们把公司的 双重预防体系 建设起来。 一遍遍的阅读了 双重预防体系 建设的通则、细则,仔细聆听起草标准的专家讲座 。 看了好多的 APP ,看了好多的要点、注意事项,依然是一头的雾水。看来成功是没有什么捷径的,人家总结的经验,咱囫囵吞枣的吃不了。都不知走是怎么回事,学什么竞技跑步的技巧。也跟着人家说几张清单几张表,是不行的,不去实际做永远也落实不了。 硬着头皮啃骨头,使劲琢磨标杆企业的模板,对与不对先放了一边,拿来主义,搬过来看看,格式内容先截取出来,先有这么个东西,把体系的框架建起来。不去动手这个活永远是没法往前推进的。借鉴了人家的东西,粗略的修改,加上点自己的东西。这开始的一斧子总算是劈了下来,头痛告一段落。 把的这些借鉴的稍微有些自己公司模样的东西,这些表格发到各个单位各个部门。哪怕是做的极其不好极其粗糙,不要紧不要怕。发下去让同事们学习讨论,有这么个东西总比全部都直接消化通则细则能简单些。让所有的员工都从细则通则啃起,人员层次跟理解程度有差别,很不合适。乐于看到大家提出不同的意见,乐于看见大家发表自己的看法。 我理解为这就是双重预防体系建设所说的全员参与,就是这样先做好基础,有这么个引导,起码有了着手点。工作危害分析第一步先要准备防爆工具、劳保用品,安全检查表知道检查基础、检查安全设施,这就很好,有了切入点,一点一点的分析。 毕竟前期的那个拿来主义没有很好的切合公司各个工作岗位,现在有这么个模子各岗位直接的来分析这个事,有哪些操作步骤、哪些注意事项、哪些安全措施。同事们肯定分析的头头是道非常全面,用充足的时间来展开讨论、发现问题、查找不足。还有个坎是说的时候会说,落实到纸上就头痛了。这么多的字,这么多问题哪能写完呢。组织起一支精悍的打字队伍,把大家的想法、看法、谈论的意见汇总整理,尽求完善,做的多写的全后面的工作就轻松了。集大家的智慧全员参与到双重预防体系的建设中来。 最终收官整理,统一的格式统一的字体,把双重预防体系建设起来。组织全体员工进行全面的学习贯彻,将建设的结果应用的实际的安全生产当中。 我认为双重预防体系的核心是安全检查表跟工作危害分析表。同事们将设备检查跟工作操作的一点点一步步都分析出来了,都打上了分,落实了注意事项,这就是安全。从要我安全,领导或有经验的同事反复叮嘱强调。到我要安全,出现失误或事故是可怕的,工作要保证安全,不安全不生产。到双重预防体系建设后的我会安全,有哪些风险、可能出现哪些问题、采取什么样的防范措施每位员工都了然于,。存在什么隐患都能有条有理的一一排查。 安全是相对的,总有打盹的时候,危险是时刻存在的,学好做好双重预防体系,大家互相提醒、互相监督做好安全生产。 查看更多 2个回答 . 4人已关注
商家把你不需要的东西卖给你的十个花招? 商家把你不需要的东西卖给你的十个花招 10 Ways Retailers Trick You to Buying Crap You Don’t Need | The[size=0.6em] Consumers shopping habits have been put under a microscope and analyzed by the retail industry in order to maximize sales. Shoppers have been as thoroughly studied as lab rats and the research has resulted in scientifically proven approaches to influence shopper’s emotions, to heighten their insecurities and to trick them in to buying things they don’t need or want.Joe Consumer has put together 10 of the most common retail tricks, along with tips for how to avoid being taken in. While some of these things may seem like common sense, each is a reaction to a specific tactic retailers use to get you to buy just one more thing. My, that’s a big basket you’ve got there .Stores have hundreds of enormous shopping carts parked conveniently at the entrance. Once you have selected something, you’re more likely to “find” additional items - after all, that empty space in the cart is just begging to be filled, you must have something else you can buy, right? Tip: If you can skip the cart and make do with a basket, you’ll reduce the temptation to over buy. If you can get by without the basket, even better! Mirror, mirror on the wall…Vanity mirrors slow you down and keep you looking, but there is more than meets the eye. Most people can’t help but check themselves out, and who’s 100% satisfied with what they see? Making you more self-conscious helps you see new items as a solution. You are more likely to buy, when you’ve walked out of the house in something less flattering than what’s on the rack in front of you. Tip: Wear something that looks good on you while you shop, and avoid mirrors unless you’re already trying something on. Not only will you feel more confident and buy less, you’ll generally get better service too. Buy in bulk and save?Misleading bulk sales are another retail favorite. There’s no difference between $5 each and the four for $20 on sale, except that you just might end up with three more than you wanted. Also, products sold in different volumes and weights often have prices that are chosen to confuse you. Shoppers tend to look at $10.49 for 48 ounces and think it’s the equivalent of $4.99 for 24 ounces even though it’s not -you’re paying more for less! Most grocery stores and pharmacies are required to provide per unit pricing signage, but these often don’t reflect sale prices. Even when it is actually cheaper per unit to buy in bulk, it doesn’t mean you should! Do you really need a gallon of mayonnaise, or 1000 clothes hangers? Tip: Compare unit prices, use that calculator on your cell phone, and don’t buy more than you can use, no matter the “savings”. How did they stack all those boxes like that?Those towering displays of intricately stacked boxes are called power displays, and they are meant to be speed bumps to slow you down and distract you from finding what you came for. Stores like Ikea have taken this to a whole new level. Their layout is specifically designed to require every shopper at least momentary exposure to every major showroom and floor, which increases the chance that you’ll come out with more than what you came in for. Tip: Look for shortcut signs to areas of choice & beeline to the checkout. To get to the cheese, you have to get through the maze Milk, bread, restrooms - all the essentials - are all in the back of the store, because they’re staples that everyone needs, and relatively low margin. Putting them there forces you to check out other merchandise along the way. Getting them first can help you stick to your list. Tip: Beeline to the back and work your way forward. Bargain bins and going-out-of business salesWe all love feeling like we got a good deal, but don’t be fooled! While some stores pay their clerks to be obsessive about precisely-folded sweaters on display, others actually pay them to make sure the displays are just a bit little messy, because shoppers interpret that (often unconsciously) as a cue that other people thought it was a deal too. Others retailers are known to have annual moving sales, year end sales and re-opening sales that just amount to taking their leftovers off hangers and dumping them into clearance bins. Tip: Evaluate the value of a “bargain” objectively, not by how wrinkled it is. Oooh, something smells amazing!Stores and restaurants love to stimulate your appetite with provocative sights and smells. Grocery stores capitalize on hungry consumers by offering free samples, but this isn’t charity any more than the smell of freshly baked bread is an accident. These are signals to excite you and tempt you into buying foods that are likely no better for your financial health than your physical health. Tip: Eat before you shop, or if you’re out shopping for the day, pack a water bottle and a snack! Save even more with our charge card!There’s a reason why department stores so cheerfully help you afford that overpriced indulgence with a discount on with a store charge card - they make the money later. You’re much more likely to buy big impulse items if you don’t have to count the dollars out the wallet you are holding. Tip: Pay in cash. Going to the ATM and physically seeing your bank balance gives you that extra time to consider. Retailers love to put children to work “helping” you find things.Manufacturers advertise to children aggressively, so kids are primed to seek out products they have been exposed too. Stores know that catching a kid’s attention is a great way to get distracted parents to fork over cash for an impulse buy, and they purposefully put colorful, fun, shiny items within their reach. Tip: Try to leave the kids at home, or have someone watch them. People tend to shop more efficiently without partners and friends, too. Checking out? One last thing…Drinks, candy, gum, media - all right by the checkout counter. This section is convenient in part because it is compact and limited, but it also means you can’t compare prices, and may not get your favorite brand. Tip: Ask yourself if you actually need it, or if it’s worth your place in line to compare prices. [ ]查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
化工设备基础图例? 好资料,顶顶顶!查看更多 74个回答 . 4人已关注
每次开车需用多少燃油? 我们的400kt/a 硫磺 制酸装置,原始开车时转化用预热炉间接升温,焚硫炉直接油枪升温,每次开车需用 柴油 15——20吨。不知各位所在装置开车需要用多少燃油?查看更多 11个回答 . 2人已关注
燃煤锅炉烟气组成? 找个检测机构组检测一下。或参考差不多的成分烟气。查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
能不能用aspen模拟得到板式塔内液相停留时间呢? 能不能用aspen模拟得到 板式塔 内液相停留时间呢?查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
aspen的calculator功能模拟蒸发循环时遇到的问题? 求助各位,最近在用aspen的 calculator 功能 模拟蒸发循环时遇到的问题,求助如何解决。 Error(s) encountered before beginning calculations:The Flow Split for stream CY has not been specified in block FS. ;Therefore it cannot be referenced in this block 查看更多 8个回答 . 2人已关注
甲醇合成气压缩机能和活塞式压缩机串联使用么? 为了提高合成气 压缩机 入口压力,在他前加一台 活塞式 压缩机!能行通吗?查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
离子膜电解:DCS全部黑屏,UPS电源供不上电,现场与主控 ...? 离子膜 电解:DCS全部黑屏,UPS电源供不上电,现场与主控室怎样应急,,我厂最近连续两次电脑黑屏。麻烦川友们讨论一下。 # + + 。 查看更多 17个回答 . 4人已关注
除沫器具有什么作用?甲醇洗哪些塔装有除沫器? 除沫器 具有什么作用? 甲醇 洗哪些塔装有除沫器? 查看更多 6个回答 . 4人已关注
用溶解度数据如何拟合aspen中的二元交互作用参数? 想通过 aspen 对 甲烷 与 醋酸 甲酯 的二元交互作用参数进行拟合,在文献中找到的实验数据是溶解度数据,不知道在aspen中拟合时应该用什么数据类型(Data Type)?希望知道的能帮我解答一下,谢谢~ 这个图是已有实验数据的表头,密度那里显示的是压力的单位,这个数据要怎么填呢? 该贴已经同步到 天使娃娃泪的微博 查看更多 1个回答 . 4人已关注
谁有API,ANSI关于阀门方面的标准吗,帮下忙发我邮箱。谢 ...? 谁有API,ANSI关于阀门方面的标准吗,帮下忙发我邮箱。谢谢。duan198707@126.com 查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
求助:氰乙酸乙酯上加个甲氧基? 氰 乙酸 乙酯 上加个甲氧基,生成 甲氧基氰乙酸乙酯 如何合成 请大家指点查看更多 4个回答 . 4人已关注
剩余氨水氯根的去除方法? 剩余 氨水 中氯根很高,易造成 不锈钢板 式 换热器 腐蚀,请问有什么方法可以去除剩余氨水中的氯根,实现工业化运行?查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
职业:福建古杉生物柴油有限公司 - 销售经理
学校:青岛科技大学 - 自动化与电子工程学院
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