新型稳定塘污水处理技术AIPS? 英文篇名】 AIPS,A New Stabilization Pond Technology 【作者中文名】 向连城 【作者英文名】 XIANG Liancheng(Chinese Research Academy of Environmental SciencesBeijing 100012); 【作者单位】 中国环境科学研究院; 【文献出处】 环境科学研究 , RESEARCH OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES , 编辑部邮箱 1995年 01期 期刊荣誉: 【关键词】 稳定塘 高级综合塘(AIPS); 【英文关键词】 AIPS (Advanced Integrated Ponding System Stabilization pond ; 【摘要】 由于资金和能源紧张,高效低耗的污水处理技术受到人们的重视。AIPS新型稳定塘是由美国Oswald教授研究开发,并有30a成功经验的污水处理技术。该技术具有低投资,低运行费用、易管理、比普通稳定塘占地少的优点。 【英文摘要】 Due to the shortage of funds and energy,greater attention has been paid to waste watertreatment technologies of low cost and high efficiency. Advanced Integrated Ponding System(AIPS),developed by Professor William J.Oswald,has been operated successfully for 30 years. AIPS has low cost for investment,operation and maintenance as well as high reliability. AIPS hassmall land demand compared with conventional stabilization ponds. [ 本帖最后由 icesharp 于 2007-12-3 17:06 编辑 ]查看更多0个回答 . 5人已关注