职场翻译之[双语职场]考试(82)? 当你准备提前一个小时去考场,准备在课桌上写小抄的时候 却发现你们班的人已经考完试回来了,并且惊讶于你为啥不去考试 小笨的感悟——时间观念很重要 好好准备补考吧 when you went to the class one hour in advance for the examination,and cheated on the desk. while at this moment,your classmates had been back from the examination,they all wondered the absent of you。 feeling--time is important 。prepare well for your re-examination。 查看更多
求助大家看下这句话? inlet nozzle ends in a 90(度)bend submerged in the liquid pointing towards the near end of the drum. the spacing of 600mm is from the top of the vessel to the centerline of the feed pipe. a lternately, a straight dip leg may be used terminating at the vessel centerline. the end of the dip leg shall be capped and a notch shall be cut of the pipe wall. t he minimum notch area shou l d be the nozzle cross-sectional area. 入口管口的末端为一个浸在液体中的90度弯管, 且弯向近侧的罐的末端。 罐顶部距进料管中心线的间距为600mm。作为代替,可以使用一个至容器中心线的径直下液支脚。下液支脚的末端应被堵住,并且在管壁上切削出一个缺口。缺口的最小面积应该为管口的剖面面积。 标蓝之处似为不妥,其余尚可。查看更多