旋塞阀材料要求里的一句话? For abrasive services with high sand content or high velocities or both, the materials in claused 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 shall be modified so that plug taper seat & body taper seat shall have an overlay of stellite having finished thickness of 1.7 mm minimum. The stellite deposit will overlap at least 26mm from the edge of the plug & body port into the plug port / body passage . 红色加深的文字是翻译的难点,我对第一句话的粗译是这样子的:如果阀门用于含砂量高或介质流速高或者两者都高的磨料介质工况,则必须对第3.5节、3.6节、3.7节和3.8节中规定的材料进行修改,必须使 plug taper seat & body taper seat 表面 堆焊 一层最终厚度至少为1.7mm的斯泰利合金。The stellite deposit will overlap at least 26mm from the edge of the plug & body port into the plug port / body passage . 这第二句话不会翻译。还有,突然想问一下, 石油化工 、管道、管线中出现的究竟是 “砂” 还是 “沙” 啊?有啥区别么。。。查看更多6个回答 . 5人已关注