求助啊,这样的审稿意见怎么回答?关于TiO2纳米管光电化学测试的,很急~~~?投了一个2区的杂志,内容主要是Ag纳米颗粒修饰Tio2纳米管增强其光电化学性能的,返回的修改意见其中几条如下:In the photoelectrochemical cell, it is not clear whether oxygen is present or removed from water solution? Should make a statement about this. Dissolved oxygen can be readily reduced by the photoelectrons and thus must be considered. The V-I scan does not show the reverse scan results which might be indicative of the mechanism. (这句话个人理解是,溶解氧容易被光电子消耗,应该考虑影响,要加入反向扫描以证实溶解氧存在)What are the plausible chemical reactions that cause the photocurrents? (这一条感觉问的有点怪,是要我写出类似TiO2+hv=e- + h+这样的反应吗?)By calculating efficiencies for water splitting, we are asked to assume that the reduction reaction is hydrogen evolution and the oxidation reaction is oxygen evolution. Dissolved oxygen can be reduced or Ag nanoparticles can be oxidised quite plausibly? Thus the current efficiency calculations while offering comparison between different samples, the actual numbers may not be meaningful, as 1.23V in the formula is an arbitrary choice. (这个计算式用的是后边文献中的,一样的实验参数 测试 方法,但是审稿人说用这个方法对比不同的样品有问题,并且还质疑1.23V的取值,这个我查了好几篇文献都是类似的文章他的算法和取值,1.23V是一个固定的取值,具体可参考附件的文献)The V-I scan do not show peaks one may expect for hydrogen and oxygen evolutions? The potential window may not be sufficient?(还是一样的问题,说没有在LSV扫描中出现氧化还原峰.但是我查到的文献中的LSV得到的J-V曲线都没有什么峰出现啊,电流的大小只是为了对比反映不同样品光电化学性能的好坏而已)Using the impedance data, did the authors calculate the capacitance assocaited with the max loss for each of the 2 semi-circles to check whether the values can be readily ascribed to charge transfer resistances at the Pt RE and at the TiO2 WE. The first high frequency semicircle is ascribed to the Pt RE, hence the Capacitance values will turn out to be lower than that for the WE? Why should this be the case?(最后这个问题是电化学阻抗测试分析的,我得到了2个阻抗环,高频区的较小的环我说是反应对电极(Pt电极)与 电解液 界面的传输阻抗,中低频区域是反应光阳极(TiO2电极)与电解液界面传输阻抗。我后边也引用了相关的文献做依据,但审稿人认为我这个没有算电容值大小,这样按阻抗环大小分类没根据)上述的光电化学测试都是在0.5M Na2SO4溶液中测试,光阳极是TiO2纳米管,掺比电极是SCE,用的氙灯做光源,加了 滤光片 滤掉紫外光,只通过可见光照在样品上。其中的光电化学实验是参考文献“Controlled Sn-Doping in TiO2 Nanowire Photoanodes with Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Conversion” Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 1503ㄢ508? ?dx.doi.org/10.1021/nl2042968 .类似的光电化学测试文献“TiO2 nanotube/Ag–AgBr three-component nanojunction for efficient photoconversion,J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 18067”这2篇文献都具有权威性啊,我是按照里边的测试方法来测试我的样品的,审稿人问的问题里边都没涉及到,结果我现在也不知道怎么回答。附件就是这2篇文献。大家帮忙看看怎么回答啊,要补什么实验吗?我看了一些类似的文献都没有提到要测试反向扫描测试的,也没说溶解氧的问题,我该怎么回答呢?金币不多,希望大家帮下忙,只有2星期要返回修改稿了。查看更多4个回答 . 8人已关注