水溶液全循环法的英文名称是什么? 以生产数据结合理论计算的方法系统地比较、分析了水溶液全循环法尿素装置中中压分解"三种工艺"的热能利用、甲铵分解率、总氨蒸出率、水平衡量、一分加热器生产能力等方面的情况,提出应用和配置预分离-预蒸馏工艺的方法,评论该工艺在水溶液全循环法中的地位和作用。 this article makes a systematic comparision and analysis on the values as thermal energy utilization,carbamate decomposing rate, total ammonia boilup rate,water balanced amount and output of 1st decomposer heater on the basis of production figures combining theoretic calculation for the "three mpressure decomposition processes" in aqueous solution total recycle urea plantsit proposes the concept of applying and collocating preseparation & predistillation process in aqueous solution total recycle pro... 文献名称 水溶液全循环法 尿素装置中压分解“三种工艺”的比较 article name 英文(英语)翻译 comparision of the "three m-pressure decomposition processes" in aqueous solution total recycle urea plants ; 作者 唐文骞; author tang wen-qian (shandong provincial chemical engineering planning & design institute;jinan 250013;china); 作者单位 author agencies 山东省化工规划设计院 山东济南; 文献出处 article from 中氮肥;m-sized nitrogenous fertilizer progress;2003年 06期; 关键词 keywords aqueous solution total recycle process;urea;thermal energy;analysis; 查看更多