修饰电极表面催化剂载量表征方法?看到一篇文献The Pt loading (W) for each fabricated counter electrode was determined by optical absorbance measured with a Shimadzu UV-2450 spectrophotometer and calculation based on equation A = ελ.l.c = ελ.(W/σ), where A, c, l, ελ and σ represent the optical absorbance at λ (385 nm), the concentration of deposited Pt, the film thickness, the molar absorptivity of Pt at λ (~8.15 × 106 M?1 cm?1) and its molar mass, respectively.请问这个 molar absorptivity 值是怎么得到的?这是铂的那不是铂的怎么得?查看更多