grain mass/grain是什么(催化剂)? grain mass = bed of " this solid" ---if we call "catalyst bed", that means we should load the catalyst with some special method to make sure the bed is equably ---grain mass means pouring them into vessel so that these large molecules can still benefit of a large active surface area --------- these large molecules means "resins and asphaltenes", you want to remove something from the large molecules metarials or purify them, so "benefit of" means the function of catalyst can work well. making possible a uniform deposit of metals through the matrix all the way to the nucleus of the grain 使得金属( /活性中心?) 在颗粒的各个方向均匀(沉降/分布)成为可能 (作为从句,其结构顺序你可以自己调整,意思大概如此,至于翻译的“达、雅”,你可以根据全文自己掌握)查看更多
如何建立一个风险标准? 评估危害及影响后果的严重性 evaluation of hazard and effect severity 影响类别 effective type 严重性等级 severity level 法律、法规及其他要求 legal and other requirements 人员伤亡程度 staff casualty degree 人员疾病程度 staff illness degree 环境影响 environmental impact 4 违反职业健康安全法律、法规和相关标准 against ohs legal obligation and standard 群死群伤 several die or group injury 严重的职业病或疾病,需住院治疗 serious occupational disease and need hospitalizations 有重大环境影响的不可控排放 uncontrolled let with significant environmental impact 3 尚未违反法律、法规,但如不进一步采取措施,会产生潜在的违法风险 not against legal obligation but have potential disobey risk if no further action 一人死亡或数人受伤 one death or several injury 中等程度的职业病或疾病,对正常工作有影响 medium degree occupational disease, and impact normal work 有中等环境影响的不可控排放 uncontrolled let with medium environmental impact 2 不符合公司安全管理方针、程序和制度 not comply with safety policy, procedure and regulations of sundram 严重伤害,需住院诊治 serous injury and make hospital treatment 较轻程度的职业病或疾病,对正常工作影响较小 light degree occupational disease, and impact normal work 有较轻环境影响的可控排放 controlled let with light environmental impact 1 完全符合 completely conform 轻伤或对正常工作无影响 flesh injury or no impact on work 无疾病影响,较轻的健康影响 no disease impact and light health impact 无影响 have no impact 危害事件发生的可能性 (l) hazard occurrence likelihood 等级 level 发生可能性 likelihood of occurrence 4 几乎肯定发生(预计在多数情况下事件每天至每周发生一次) almost certainly happen ( in most situation happened once averagely everyday to weekly 3 很可能发生(多数情况下每周至每月发生一次) likely happened (in most situation happened once averagely weekly to monthly 2 在异常情况下有可能发生(事件有时发生,每月至每年发生一次) happened in abnormal situation (sometimes happened, maybe once averagely monthly to yearly 1 极不可能发生事故 ( 在过去及行业中从未发生过 ) impossible to happen (it never happened in the past and in the industry ) 风险程度评估表 ( 风险度 r=s*l) risk degree assessment metrics (risk degree r= s*l) 严重性 s 可能性l 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 2 4 6 8 3 3 6 9 12 4 4 8 12 16 风险控制措施 risk control measures 风险等级 risk level 风险度值 risk degree value 控制措施 control measures 可接受风险 acceptable risk 1 — 3 无需采取控制措施 no need to take control measures 中度风险 medium risk 4 — 6 完善管理控制措施,如建立运行控制、作业指导书、培训、沟通、并进行检查或测量 establish and improve control measures such as establish operation control, wi, training, communication, and perform checking and monitoring periodically 重大风险 significant risk 8 — 9 采用管理措施降低风险,如目标、个人防护,定期检测、评估 adopt management measure to reduce risk such as objectives, ppe, period test and evaluate 不可接受风险 unacceptable risk 12 — 16 暂停相关活动,采用管理措施降低风险,并定期检测、评估 stop related activities and take action to reduce risk, and periodically inspection and evaluation. 查看更多