老王杂感之小明系列-013 So what?怎样? Recently, I heard a song by 戴佩妮, and I love this song very much. So, I translate it in English. It’s going to dark here, what about you there? The weather is cool here, what about you there? Everything have been changed here, and I become sensible. I start to write diary, but what about you? The sky is going to bright, what about you there? The weather is pretty hot here, what about you there? Everything have been changed here, and I will not cry anymore. I have collected all photos here, but what about you? If we are still together, what it will be? Are we still in love with each other? Just like beginning, holding hands together, until the sky is going to bright. If we are still together, what it will be? Should we still hiding something to each other? Just like the end, we know you are not wrong both, but I have to forgive you? I will never forgive, how can I forgive? 我将翻译内容隐藏起来,以便于各位的理解、阅读,因为, 中文才是我要表达的意思,英文嘛,错误很多,欢迎各位批评指正 ! 你们娱乐到的同时,既支持了大区的发展,又帮我提高了英语能力,在此感谢各位了。 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 查看更多5个回答 . 3人已关注