请教,几个工程应用英语的解释,谢谢? ship200版主的翻译不错。 我个人对pmi下的翻译有点异议: 面是pmi的英文定义及其检测方法: positive material identification (pmi) is one of the more specialized non-destructive testing methods. with positive material identification the alloy composition of materials can be determined. if a material certificate is missing or it is not clear what the composition of a material is, then pmi offers the solution. pmi is particularly used for high-quality metals like stainless steel and high alloy metals. while engineers push the boundaries of material capacities to their limits in the design, assurance that the proper material is used becomes ever more important. there are two methods for pmi: the xrf-principle (x-ray fluorescence) is one of the methods for pmi. equipment used contains low radioactive sources (isotopes) or x-ray tubes. the exposed material reflects the radiation, generating energy. as every element has it's own atomic structure, this reflection will generate a different energy level for every element. this energy is measured and detected, thus identifying the alloy elements. the other method for pmi is spark emission spectrography. spectography is based on optical emission. the equipment consists of a probe which releases a spark that is used to vaporise the material being analysed. the atoms and ions in this vapour produce a spectrum which can be optically measured and then recalculated to determine the components of the material. 有一个朋友建议把它翻译为:材料成分确认,我认为更合适。查看更多