最让我头疼的一句,请高手帮忙? 参与一下 : chlorides enter the system with the feed, from the reactor catalyst, with make-up hydrogen, especially if un scrubbed reformer gas is used, and with the wash water. 反应催化剂中的氯化物会随原料、补充的氢气(尤其是当重整反应器中的气体不够纯净的时候)以及水洗水进入系统。 u nfortunately, insufficient data was available from this survey to correlate any distinctive influence of chlorides on the severity of corrosion experienced by any particular unit other than clear cases of nh4cl deposition. 结果不理想,这次调查只得到了氯化铵沉淀腐蚀数据,而且得到的数据拟合出的氯化物对腐蚀严重性影响的关联式,不能充分反映出氯化物对腐蚀有超常的影响。 查看更多