pro8.0和pro8.2有什么区别啊? 别的地方看到的 pro/ii v8.2.1 (patch to v8.2) ********************** * product upgrades ********************** 1. kbc profimatics upgrade: the link between pro/ii and profimatics refinery reactor models from kbc have been validated and are functioning properly. 2. upgrade koch-glitsch packing correlations: the column packing (b8q4o' \+v0n correlations for koch-glitsch column packings have been updated with 24 new packings. the following are the new koch-glitsch packings added for 8.2.1: random packing: metal cascade mini rings 1.5, 2.5, 5 inch plastic flexiring 4 inch metal imtp #60 plastic beta rings 2 inch ceramic flexi saddle lpd 1, 1.5, 3 inch structured packing: flexipac 3.5x, 4x, 1y plastic, 2y plastic, 3y plastic flexipac hc 500z metal and 500z thin plastic intalox 1t and 1.5t flexigrid 2-33, 2-45, 2-67, 3-33, 3-45 and 3-67 3. upgraded biofuels application examples: pro/ii has upgraded the bioethanol application examples in the applib folder.查看更多