关于实验室固定床反应器烟气催化净化空速的问题?大神们好,最近投了篇文章,审稿人提了两个问题: (1) The reaction tests were performed at very high space velocity 702576/h with small amount of catalyst 0.1 g. At such a high space velocity, a part of gas may by-pass the catalyst bed. A contact between the gas and catalyst may not be uniform because of very high gas flow rate compared to thin catalyst layer. (2) What is the pressure drop through the catalyst bed? Such a high space velocity is not practical due to the high pressure drop. 我用的是1.5L/min的烟气流量,催化剂是0.1g,计算出来的空速确实就是702576 h-1,不过我实验时在催化剂中掺了石英砂以提高反应区域高度,增加停留时间,没有在文章中明说。 请问各位大神有没有更好的建议以应对这两条意见。。查看更多6个回答 . 7人已关注