帮忙看看这个proii模拟 按馏程分离? 补充一下: 输出报告中的警告信息: ** message ** stream 'bnq'-- the distillation conversion method used to generate the astm d2887 at 760 mm hg data did not predict a monotonic curve. ** message ** stream 'bottom'-- the distillation conversion method used to generate the astm d86 at 760 mm hg data did not predict a monotonic curve. ** message ** stream 'bottom'-- the distillation conversion method used to generate the astm d86 at 760 mm hg with cracking data did not predict a monotonic curve. ** message ** stream 'bottom'-- the distillation conversion method used to generate the astm d2887 at 760 mm hg data did not predict a monotonic curve. ** message ** stream 'feed'-- the distillation conversion method used to generate the astm d86 at 760 mm hg data did not predict a monotonic curve. ** message ** stream 'feed'-- the distillation conversion method used to generate the astm d86 at 760 mm hg with cracking data did not predict a monotonic curve.查看更多