provided from 什么意思? To avoid a spurious start of the stand-by pump, a separate flow transmitter is provided from the same flow meter/element . 请大家帮忙看下这句怎么译, 主要后面一句,谢谢 以下为原句,供参考,不必翻译, In the DCS, a duty-standby selector switch (041-HS-001) is provided for the pumps. To ensure an uninterrupted supply of HT hot oil flow to the heater and to the process units, an auto-start provision is provided for the standby pump in case a low flow is detected. To avoid a spurious start of the stand-by pump, a separate flow transmitter (041-FIT-001B) is provided from the same flow meter/element 041-FE- 001. A low flow detected by 041-FIT-001B (i.e. 041-FAL-001B) activates the automatic start of the standby pump. 查看更多3个回答 . 3人已关注