高压氧气贮罐应用什么材质? 6.0MPa左右的高压 氧气 (常温)贮罐应用什么材质?最近看到一项目用的是 碳钢 的,进气口、出气口和排液口也都是碳钢的?是否符合G16913和GB50030的要关要求? 气焊用的 氧气瓶 好像也是碳钢的,但出口好像是铜的? 查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
竖向设计的原则是什么? 请问竖向设计应该遵循什么样的原则,道路标高和坡度及其方向该如何确定?查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
制氢长期停工,什么希奇古怪的故障都出来了? 看来以后我们也要多注意以下这种情况了,我们靠着海,每天都有好多昆虫飞来飞去的,万一它想不开来这里自杀,那可怎么办啊?这还是小问题,不知道各位有什么办法把装置上的蜘蛛网给清除啊,这些哥们太勤快了,上午清完,下午又给补上了!真佩服他们的效率!查看更多 13个回答 . 4人已关注
关于调节阀的一个疑问? 天然气制氢,进料的压控阀可以流控阀吗?这两个阀有什么异同?查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
安全阀泄放量? 精馏塔 塔顶的 安全阀 泄放量该怎么计算?有什么规范可查吗?查看更多 8个回答 . 3人已关注
防爆材料一般选用什么材料?为什么是防爆的? 防爆材料一般选用什么材料?为什么是防爆的?比如防爆扳手查看更多 4个回答 . 2人已关注
英语美文:Enjoy Life Now,Save for Later? Enjoy Life Now, AND Save for Later Often we're told that we have to suffer now — give up what we want — in order to succeed later, that in order to save we must sacrifice. Give up instant gratification to get delayed gratification. But you can do both. For years, I was confused about this, as I read books and websites that sent me two different messages: Pleasure later . The first message was that in order to be successful, in order to build wealth, you have to delay gratification. You can't have instant gratification and be successful. Pleasure now. The second message was usually from other sources on Happiness, but sometimes from the same source: enjoy life now, while you can, because it's short and you never know when your last day will come. Live every day like it's your last. Trouble is, I agree with both messages. And if you read this site often, you’ll see that I send both messages: Live frugally and simply! But also enjoy life! That's because I've reconciled the two philosophies into one: Live life now and enjoy it to the fullest — without destroying your future. The key to doing that? Find ways to enjoy life completely, utterly, maximally … that don’t cost your future very much. Here are some tips for actually living that philosophy: Find free or cheap pleasures . Frugality does not have to be boring or restrictive … if you use your imagination. Be creative and find ways to have fun — loads of it — without spending much money. Have a picnic at the park, go to the beach, do crafts, board games, fly a kite, make art, bake cookies … I could list a hundred things, and you could come up with a few hundred more. Make a list of ** pleasures, and enjoy them to the maximum. This is the key to the whole idea of enjoying life now without spending tomorrow's dollar. See Savor the Little Things . Make simplifying fun. I'm a big fan of simplifying my life, from decluttering to creating a ** lifestyle in every way. And to me, this is great fun. I get rid of stuff (and possibly make money selling it) and have a blast doing it. That’s good math. Rediscover what’s important . Oftentimes we spend tons of money, shopping, going out, watching movies, eating out … without really enjoying life. And when we stop to think about it, we never have time for the things we really want to do. Well, that's probably because your life is filled with things that aren't very important to you. Instead, step back and really think about what’s important to you. Then get rid of the other (expensive) stuff, and focus on what's important. Listen to some stuff on my list: my wife and kids, other friends and family, reading, writing, exercising, volunteering, spending quiet time in contemplation. Guess how many of those things cost a lot of money? Read more here . Make people a priority . This is related to the above point, but I thought I'd give it a little more emphasis. If you give "stuff" a priority — stuff like gadgets, nice furnishings, nice clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. — then you will spend a lot of money. But if you make people a priority — the people you love most, you close friends and family — you don't need to spend a dime to enjoy life. Make some time to visit with friends, or your parents … and have a conversation with them that doesn't involve eating out or going to the movies. Just sit, have some iced tea or hot cocoa (depending on the weather), and talk. Tell jokes and laugh your heads off. Talk about books you've read, movies you’ve watched, new things going on in your life, your hopes and dreams. And make time for your kids or your significant other — really spend time with them, doing things that don't cost money. (See Spend Time with Family and Loved Ones , 100 Ways to Have Fun With Your Kids and 50 Ways to Be Romantic on the Cheap .) Find time for yourself . Make time every day, and every week, to spend time alone. It really gives more meaning and enjoyment to your life, rather than rushing through life with no time to think, to breathe. For ideas on how to make this time, see these ways to create time for solitude . Sometimes, splurge . You shouldn't restrict yourself from expensive pleasures all the time — it's not good to develop the feeling of deprivation. To prevent that, once in awhile, buy yourself something … or better yet, give yourself a decadent treat. I love things with dark chocolate or berries. Crepes with ice cream and berries are one of my favorites. Just don't go overboard … and learn to enjoy the splurge to the fullest. If you truly take the time to enjoy a treat, you don't need a lot of it. Track your successes . It doesn't really matter how you track your success … you can use gold stars for creating a new simplifying or frugalfying habit, or a spreadsheet chart to track your decreasing debt and increasing savings or investments. Tracking is a great way to not only provide motivation, but make the process of changing fun. Reward yourself . And in order to make it more fun, celebrate every little success! Set rewards for yourself (hopefully not too expensive!) along your path to success — celebrate one day, two days, three days, a week, two weeks, three, a month … you get the idea. Volunteer. One of the most rewarding things for my family has been when we have managed to volunteer. It's actually something we only started doing last year, but since then, we've done it a bunch of times in a number of different ways. And while it doesn't cost a dime, it is tremendously satisfying in ways that money could never buy. Read more . Live in the moment . Learn to think not so much about the past or future, but about what you are going through right now. Be present. It may seem trite, but it's the key to enjoying life to the fullest — without having to spend money. Think about it — you can spend money on eating out, but if you are not really thinking about what you're eating, you may not enjoy it much at all. But if you cook a ** but delicious meal, and really taste every bite, it can be tremendously enjoyable without costing a lot. Read more . Slow down . In the same way, you can't really enjoy life to the fullest if it's rushing past you like it's on fast forward. Ever think about how quickly a week, a month, or a year goes by? Perhaps you're in the fast lane too much. Try slowing down, and things will be less stressful and more enjoyable. Drive slower , eat slower , live slower . Learn to find cheap, cool stuff. Call me crazy, but I love shopping at thrift stores. You can find so many cool things there, and it costs so little. Garage sales are the same way. Or check out Freecycle , or read 20 Ways to Find Free or Cheap Books . 查看更多 3个回答 . 3人已关注
请年产45万吨/年合成氨KBR装置的同行指导? 很高兴认识你,能希望得到你的指点,毕竟我是生产一线,真的不知道怎么算,一段炉出口温度790度,二段炉出口980度,水气比是6,负荷18T/H,你说怎么估算,最好告诉我具体点好吗?哎!悟性比较差 ,查看更多 18个回答 . 1人已关注
控制室、IO站的空调功率怎么选? 每个控制室、IO站都要空调,请问控制室、IO站的空调功率怎么选,要考虑哪些因素? 应该按照考虑房间大小,和机柜设备的发热量吧。查看更多 2个回答 . 4人已关注
泸州市拟定2014年煤矿安全生产目标? 本文由 盖德化工论坛 转载自互联网 泸州市政府安委会出台了2014年煤矿安全生产工作意见,提出了全年煤矿安全生产目标。   确保安全指标不突破。确保不发生重大事故,力争不发生较大事故和瓦斯、透水等恶性事故,一般事故死亡人数控制在省政府下达的控制指标以内,百万吨死亡率低于全省平均水平。   确保四项建设全达标。所有生产和试生产矿井安全质量标准化建设、瓦斯综合治理工作体系建设、安全高效矿井建设,必须达标并通过验收。煤与瓦斯突出的生产矿井和试生产矿井在恢复生产前应建成“六大系统”,其他生产和试生产矿井在今年6月底前全面建成“六大系统”,并保证正常使用。   确保瓦斯治理上台阶。应建设地面固定瓦斯抽采系统的生产矿井、突出矿井(含按突出管理的矿井)揭露突出煤层前、设计有瓦斯抽采系统的高瓦斯建设矿井进入采区车场施工前,必须完成地面固定瓦斯抽采系统建设。有条件的矿井要利用瓦斯发电,各产煤县今年内要有2对以上矿井建成瓦斯发电系统。查看更多 0个回答 . 3人已关注
东方炉烧嘴? 东方炉气化烧嘴大家有兴趣没?大家能谈谈自己对东方炉的认识!随后我会附东方炉一体化的工艺烧嘴的图片! 查看更多 29个回答 . 1人已关注
求王德心的《固相有机合成》 与 Wiley的《Peptide:Biol ...? 求王德心的《固相有机合成》 与 Wiley的《Peptide:Biology and Chemistry》 谁有电子版的,可不可以发给我啊 邮箱 hhc_2004@163.com 先谢谢啦!查看更多 12个回答 . 3人已关注
多晶硅生产过程中发生雾化的原因,深层分析一下? 发生雾化使得生产的 多晶硅 形态等方面不是很理想查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
2015煤炭市场展望? 本文由 盖德化工论坛转载自互联网 政策将继续助行业脱困   作为基础能源行业,煤炭行业的困境始终牵动着政策制定者的神经。可以毫不夸张地说,这一年有关部门尽了不少力。2015年,政策将继续在帮助煤炭行业脱困的道路上发挥作用。   2015年1月1日起,《商品煤质量管理暂行办法》将正式施行,不达标的商品煤将被禁止进入市场,部分进口煤或将因此被挤出市场。   2015年1月1日开始,各种煤炭的出口暂定税率由执行了6年的10%统一下调至3%。煤炭出口成本相对下降,部分优质、优势煤种出口量或将有所增加。   煤电联动或将再度被淡化。往年有关产运需衔接的通知中往往都会强调推进煤电联动。但是,2014年12月下发的有关通知却未再提及煤电联动,而且2013年和2014年的两次电价调整也均没有按既定方案调整到位,这或许是为了有意淡化煤电联动,帮助煤炭企业减轻市场压力。   在对合法煤炭产能进行了详细统计的基础上,2015年有关部门应该会进一步要求煤炭企业按照核定产能生产,加大对违法违规和超能力生产的监管力度。   需求增长依然乏力   2015年,国内经济增长仍将面临较大压力,因此煤炭需求整体仍然不容乐观。   为了促使经济继续保持平稳发展,预计各级政府或将继续加大基础设施建设投资力度,最终带动电力、钢材、水泥等行业的发展,从而带动对煤炭等基础能源的需求。此外,有力度的财政政策或将有助于增加社会总需求,而松紧适度的货币政策则有助于降低社会融资成本,宏观政策环境最终将有利于稳定煤炭需求。所以,对明年的煤炭市场形势也不用太悲观。   另外,从历史上来看,水力发电量连续两年大幅增长的情况并不多见。由于2014年新增水电装机容量已经明显低于2013年,如果2015年降水量再有所减少,水力发电量增速或将出现回落,火电和发电用煤需求将相应增加。    产量或继续小幅回落   2015年,在煤炭需求增长仍然乏力的情况下,为了改善供大于求的状况,违法违规和超能力生产将进一步得到遏制。截至今年12月22日,国家能源局网站上公布了“全国煤矿生产能力情况”公告,包含全国25个省(自治区、直辖市)的6816对矿井,煤炭年产能合计31.26亿吨,这与全国近40亿吨的煤炭年产量相距甚远。   总而言之,在煤炭需求依然乏力的情况下,相关部门或将继续加大对煤炭生产的监管力度。如果有关部门进一步严格要求煤矿按照核定能力安全生产,2015年煤炭产量很可能在2014年基础上进一步小幅回落。    进口量保持较高水平    出口量难有显著提升   可以说,2014年有关部门在煤炭进出口管理方面下足了功夫。虽然全年减少进口煤炭5000万吨的目标很难实现,但事实证明,一系列煤炭进出口政策措施还是取得了一定成效。   预计2015年煤炭进口量很难在2014年基础上明显回升。但是,考虑国际煤价持续低位运行,进口煤相对于国内煤还具备一定的价格优势等因素,在进口煤质量达标的情况下,贸易商和部分用煤企业还是会继续进口煤炭,中短期煤炭进口量也很难出现大幅下降。   因此,总体而言,预计2015年煤炭进口量仍将保持较高水平,预计全年煤炭进口量仍将在2.5亿吨至2.8亿吨。   煤炭出口方面,虽然自明年1月1日出口关税下调,煤炭出口成本有所下降,但出口量难有大的提升。日本、韩国等国家和地区煤炭进口量基本保持平稳,印尼和澳大利亚等主要出口国煤炭产量和出口量大幅增长,国际煤炭海运费陷入长期低迷使我国煤炭出口的区位优势被淡化。   整体来看,已经失去的市场短期内很难夺回,煤炭出口短期内难有显著提升。    动力煤价格看龙头   其他煤种振荡调整   今年,龙头煤企在动力煤市场中的价格风向标作用很明显,预计2015年动力煤价格走势还要看龙头煤企如何调整价格。   对于炼焦煤、喷吹煤来说,虽然在政策监管下,产量可能也将进一步得到抑制,但由于山西焦煤等龙头煤企对市场控制力相对较弱,在国内市场需求疲软、国际市场焦煤价格较低的背景下,如果卖方强行提价,不一定能被市场所接受。预计2015年炼焦煤和喷吹煤价格将在目前基础上振荡调整。   对于无烟块煤来说,尽管市场上有晋煤集团和阳煤集团等龙头煤企,但是,由于近几年以烟煤和褐煤为原料的煤气化制 甲醇 、 合成氨 装置越来越多,无烟块煤被替代的比重越来越大,再考虑到下游 尿素 、甲醇产能过剩较为严重,市场行情疲软,无烟块煤需求和价格将受到较大制约。预计在成本和产量控制支撑下,2015年无烟块煤价格也将在目前基础上振荡调整。    盈利难根本好转   投资将继续下降   由于需求疲软,产量继续受到抑制,动力煤企业的盈利能力也难以得到根本性好转。因此,对于煤炭企业来说,要努力保持稳定的现金流,继续做好过漫长寒冬的准备。   一方面,考虑到产能过剩较为严重,且煤炭企业盈利能力下降,部分企业或将继续放缓投资步伐,部分已经被批准并开工建设的矿井建设步伐可能也会有所放缓。另一方面,有关部门加大煤炭生产、建设监管力度,部分未批已经开工建设的煤矿势必继续停工停建,最终将导致2015年煤炭行业投资继续下降。 从中长期来看,行业投资下降是煤炭市场重新趋于均衡的必要条件,随着煤炭行业调整不断深入,2015年煤炭行业投资降幅可能进一步扩大。 查看更多 0个回答 . 3人已关注
三级往复式压缩机的负荷调节问题? 你说打 氮气 ,就需要换打氮气的气阀,原理和2楼说的一样~~查看更多 8个回答 . 5人已关注
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有关溴素的问题!!!? < >工业上 溴素 是 无水 的,纯度大于99%,关键是你要从正规渠道进货。</P>查看更多 17个回答 . 5人已关注
油箱上的insulation clips怎么用的?有哥们见过吗? 保温层用的架子,装在油箱上面的,这个东西谁见过,长什么样子,在哪儿有的买? 谁知道。谢谢。 查看更多 4个回答 . 4人已关注
氨合成的氢氮比? 影响氨合成氢氮比的因素有哪些,如何调节?实际生产中控制在多少比较合适?请大家讨论一下!查看更多 13个回答 . 2人已关注
关于锥壳受压的问题? 请教,如果理解在内压作用下,锥壳大端受压?查看更多 2个回答 . 2人已关注
职业:上海河图工程股份有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:湖南机电职业技术学院 - 经管生化系
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