PDMS11.6 SP3.5 解密文件? PDMS11.6 SP3.5 解密文件 Aveva Plant Design Management System Rev.....: 11.6 SP......: 3 Patch...: 3.5 Common name : 11.6 SP3.5 Cracked by : Unknown 0. Be sure to have Microsoft .NET Framework 2 installed 1. Install Full PDMS packages 11.6 SP3 2. Install SP3.5 Patch 3. Copy pdmscrk.exe and 116SP35.crk file into C:\Aveva\Pdms11.6.SP3\ directory 4. Execute pdmscrk.exe 5. Press Enter on "AVEVA PDMS 11.6 SP3.5 By Unknown" 6. For each module to crack, press F2 or Enter. If you want to retrieve last state, press F3 to uncrack. 7. Press ESCAPE to quit this menu 8. And F10 to exit 9. Enjoy ! 这个解密过程我相信大家都能看懂。 (仅供学习用)查看更多1个回答 . 4人已关注