请大家帮忙看看几句汉译英是否合适? 为了科学、有效地对采购工作实行全过程管理,加强对采购过程的监督和控制,确保所采购物资符合工程项目质量、进度、费用、hse管理规定等方面的要求,特制定本文件。 the purpose of this document is to effectively manage the whole purchasing process , to strengthen the purchasing monitoring and control, and to ensure that the purchased material can satisfy the requirements of the project quality , schedule , cost, hse regulations and so on . 本文件明确了物资采购管理方针及工作目标,规定了采购管理的总流程和要求。 the document defines the principle and objective of procurement management, and offers the general procedure and requirement of procurement management. 本文件适用于公司承担的海外工程项目的物资采购。 the document is adapted to the material purchasing of overseas project undertaken by company. 呵呵,红色的部分是自己修改的,仅供参考,主要是改了两个词,质量 和 进度,进度用schedule要好些。 粗体的monitoring,感觉换成个名词更好些,呵呵,但是没想好用哪个。查看更多