模拟中遇到的warning,不知道是什么意思? 模拟中遇到的warning,不清楚是什么意思,请高手解释一下,谢谢啦 ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** ------- user supplied heat of reaction data is not used. ** warning ** ------- by reactive distillation. the heat of reaction. ** warning ** ------- will be calculated based on heats of formation. ** warning ** ------- 'rxnset' = col1rxd1. ** warning ** ------- 'rxn desc' =. ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** ------- user supplied heat of reaction data is not used. ** warning ** ------- by reactive distillation. the heat of reaction. ** warning ** ------- will be calculated based on heats of formation. ** warning ** ------- 'rxnset' = col1rxd1. ** warning ** ------- 'rxn desc' =. ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** ------- user supplied heat of reaction data is not used. ** warning ** ------- by reactive distillation. the heat of reaction. ** warning ** ------- will be calculated based on heats of formation. ** warning ** ------- 'rxnset' = col1rxd1. ** warning ** ------- 'rxn desc' =. ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** stream '561'-- the thermodynamic method set for this stream is not the same as the method set for unit 'e1'. ** warning ** stream '511'-- the thermodynamic method set for this stream will be the same as the method set for unit '34'. ** warning ** stream '562'-- the thermodynamic method set for this stream will be the same as the method set for unit 'v1'. ** warning ** stream '564'-- the thermodynamic method set for this stream is not the same as the method set for unit 'e3'. ** warning ** stream '2511'-- the thermodynamic method set for this stream will be the same as the method set for unit 'v2'. ** warning ** stream '2531'-- the thermodynamic method set for this stream will be the same as the method set for unit 'e4'. ** warning ** stream '502'-- the thermodynamic method set for this stream is not the same as the method set for unit 'p2'. 尤其是这两句,不明白是什么意思 ** warning ** ------- 'rxnset' = col1rxd1. ** warning ** ------- 'rxn desc' =. 虽然没有error,但是精馏塔不收敛查看更多