看看ChemComm对催化大牛Avelino Corma的专访~~~?Avelino Corma, Professor at the Instituto de Tecnolog?′a Qu?′mica (CSIC-Polytechnical University ofValencia), has been carrying out research in heterogeneous catalysis in academia and in collaboration withcompanies for nearly 30 years. He has worked on fundamental aspects of acid-base and redox catalysis withthe aim of understanding the nature of the active sites, and reaction mechanisms. He is an internationallyrecognized expert in solid acid and bifunctional catalysts for oil refining, petrochemistry and chemicalprocess, especially in the synthesis and application of zeolite catalysts. Corma earned his BSc in Chemistryat Valencia University, his PhD at Madrid under the direction of Prof. Antonio Cortes, and he spent two yearspostdoc at Queen’s University. He has received the Ciapetta and Houdry Awards of the North AmericanCatalysis Society, the F. Gault Award of the European Catalysis Society, the M. Boudart Award on Catalysis bythe North American and European Catalysis Societies, the G. J. Somorjai ACS Award on Creative Catalysis,the Breck Award of the International Zeolite Association, the National Award of Science and technology ofSpain, the ENI Award on Hydrocarbon Chemistry, the Royal Society of Chemistry Centenary Prize, RhodiaPierre-Gilles de Gennes Prize for Science and Industry, Gold Medal for the Chemistry Research Career 2001–2010 in Spain, La Grande Me′daille de l’Acade′mie des sciences de France 2011 and Honour Medal to theInvention from the Fundacio ′ n Garc?′a Cabrerizo in Spain 2012.[ 来自科研家族 盖德有机 ]查看更多3个回答 . 11人已关注