控制阀铭牌上的问题? 看看网上有关波纹管阀门的介绍: leakage from the valve gland is often a problem for environment protection & sometime it is quite dangerous if such leakage is from a hazardous fluid. bellows sealed valves are designed with a bellow cartridge welded to the valve bonnet and stem, so that when the stem up & down movement makes the bellows expands & compress. therefore there is no sliding or rotating seals through which process fluid can leak. 下面是我的理解和经验: 波纹管阀门把波纹管与阀门压盖和阀杆焊接相连(这里ptfe应该不是焊接相连),当阀杆上下移动时波纹管会随着阀杆移动而被压缩或伸长。波纹管在这里起到了密封作用,不需要其它填料密封。 如果阀门较大且阀门关闭时,可以从阀门法兰口看到里面的波纹管。 波纹管密封只适用于阀杆上下提升的阀门(如截止阀),不适用于阀杆旋转动作的阀门(如蝶阀、球阀等)。 楼上提到的0.55mpa我估计是波纹管设计压力,它是一根管子嘛,肯定有耐压范围啰。查看更多