高分子硕士转有机合成博士如何? 都挺好 都挺累的哦 转不转没有什么必要区别 查看更多
乙酸乙酯全厂模拟ASPEN? 谢谢楼主…………………………………………查看更多
aspen plus流股分离? 看看下面的帮助文档吧! for material streams: use this sheet to specify split specifications and key component numbers. for each outlet stream except one, you must give one specification. any remaining flow is placed in the unspecified outlet stream to satisfy material balance. the composition, temperature, pressure, and other stream variables for all outlet streams are the same as those for the mixed inlet streams. only the total flow rates differ. note: specifications are processed in the order specified in the stream order column, if you specify it. this is important if you make any residual fraction specifications, or if the actual flow is inadequate to satisfy the specifications. see specifying fsplit for details. to split material streams, give one of the following specifications for each outlet stream except one: fraction of the combined inlet flow flow rate (on a mole, mass, or standard liquid volume basis) for the entire stream, or for a subset of key components in the stream actual volume flow rate limit or cumulative limit flow rate (on a mole, mass, or standard liquid volume basis, or actual volume flow) fraction of the residue remaining after other specifications are satisfied to split heat streams or work streams, specify one of the following for each outlet stream except one: fraction of the combined inlet heat or work power or duty value for the stream fsplit puts any remaining flow, heat, or work in the unspecified outlet stream to satisfy the material or energy balance. material flow rate specifications can be made on a normal basis, as a limit flow, or as a cumulative limit flow. when you specify normal flow rates and/or split fractions, if there is insufficient flow in the inlet stream to meet the specifications, and you did not specify stream order, the calculated split fractions are normalized, and a warning will be issued. each stream with a specification will receive flow, but less than what was specified; all flows are divided by the same factor to satisfy the mass balance. this also applies when there is insufficient work or heat for power or duty specifications. when you specify limit flows, outlet streams are assigned flow in the priority specified in the stream order field. the stream with highest priority ( stream order = 1) is filled first, up to the specified limit. if there is enough flow in the inlet, then the second priority stream will be filled, and so on. if there is inadequate flow to meet all specifications, then some outlet streams will be empty and the last priority stream to receive flow may receive less than the limit. cumulative limit flows are similar to limit flows, but the value specified is the total amount of flow assigned to this stream and the ones before it in the stream order . for example, if you assign stream s1 a limit flow of 50 and stream order 1, and stream s2 a cumulative limit flow of 75 and stream order 2, then stream s2 will receive a flow rate of 25 (if there is sufficient flow in the inlet stream). if you specify a residual fraction, the flows are processed in stream order and the specified fraction of the remaining inlet flow (after earlier streams have been assigned flow) is given to the stream with the residual fraction specification. if you do not specify stream order with limit flows, cumulative limit flows, and/or residual fractions, then the normal flows and split fractions are processed first (normalized if necessary), then the limit flows and specified limit flows are processed, and the residual fractions are processed last. note: if you make limit flow and/or split fraction specifications, and you specify stream order , the specifications are processed according to the stream order . normal flows and split fractions will be converted to limit flow specifications if the flow is inadequate, and a warning will be issued. 查看更多
淮化6.5MPa德士古气化开车一次成功!? 恭喜,希望接下来在创佳绩!查看更多
pds中的reading socket connection reset by peer是什么 ...? pds中的reading socket connection reset by peer是什么错误啊怎么解决啊?本人目前在施工现场,pds进不去无法工作啊!哪位懂的请帮忙!谢谢!查看更多
安全漫画(6.3)打非治违? 不发生事故都不注重安全查看更多
质量流量计如何该瞬时流量量程? 用375查看流量计的量程,再把dcs的量程改一致就ok了.查看更多
两节到了,你发了吗? 发的是华美的月饼120元左右还有鲁花的什么葵花油。。。哦买噶查看更多
注化成绩快要公布了吧? 估计要在下个月底的样子,往年都是元旦左右出成绩!查看更多
合成单程转化率问题? n2守恒,按流量计算的话,(1)和(2)是一样的查看更多
急冷塔堵塞? 再请教一下“碱循短”指的是什么呢? 碱循环段,打错字了!查看更多
每日职业健康卫生小知识高温车间? 按要求高温车间作业应该有高温补贴的,可有些企业不一定会按要求执行 我们公司去现场的倒是有,不过一个月也就一百多,还不够买水的呢 查看更多
BGL气化原料是褐煤的问题? 一般不会发生这种下料困难的情况。bgl的耗煤量很大,基本上没等到煤粘结在炉壁上就已经达到了气化区和燃烧区了,在停车后检查中会有很少量的煤粘结在耐火砖上,可以说在一定程度上保护了耐火砖。查看更多
感觉很多东西都不会,又没耐心学,迷茫。? 工作差不多五年了,之前四年只干现场仪表,后来跳槽了(主要干系统,现场也干)。 刚毕业的时候很有冲劲,一心想着学点技术,工作也比较卖力,算是得到一致认可了,在仪表班组里算是比较突出的几个之一。 但也只是努力了一年半载,装置开车后基本也就混日子了,因为大环境是这样的,有些想学的当时也接触不到。 一年前因为公司原因实在混不下去了,被动跳槽。 这次机会比之前更好,除了项目的技术澄清没参与到,之后的流程或多或少参与到了。 现场仪表干得少,但是想想真的挺苦的,有时候工况比较恶劣,而且有些问题根本处理不好,硬是大半夜耗几小时,弄一身恶心的味道。 dcs、sis也只是我一个人跟着干,虽然基本的系统维护和常规组态都没问题了,但是我发现不学好英语和计算机编程语言还不行,因为好多功能要实现都要编写脚本的,而且系统和资料全是英文,隔三差五要跟老外打交道,不学真不行。 此外,还要做各类仪表台账,学工艺,学电气,妈的可是我还有一些逻辑和顺控没吃透呢,因为领导随时会问,我要当字典当百科全书。 还有现场的plc,各种分析仪表,各种成套设备乱七八糟、一改再改的资料,各种阀门定位器,根本顾不过来。 很浮躁,也迷茫,很多资料看一会就看不进去,一想有这么多东西要掌握起来就着急。 同样是上班,其他同事都是玩玩手机,看看电视剧,等工艺喊活,只有我感觉压力好大,着实苦逼。。。 也可能是我的层次太低了,领导也是很多东西都不会,却能把整个仪表专业带好。 查看更多
索科尔催化料有谁加工过? 没有使用过,这个是哪个国家的原料啊查看更多
入行安全管理一年,总感觉工作无法入手? 本人也是管安全的,感觉一个公司的安全好不好管理,决定于你们公司的一把手是不是真的拿安全第一了,往往在企业安全是说起来重要,做起来次要,忙起来就不要,要想扭转你们公司老板的观点觉得挺难的,说句不好听的,也只有真的出了事故,受到了切肤之痛,才会发自思想深处的转变轻视安全的观点。查看更多
关于蒸汽流量计算? 理论上是应该这样的。但是喷水后有可能是湿空气。再加上流量计的不准。误差就大些了。查看更多
间歇操作回收丙酮? 就是回收丙酮,因为量比较小,所以需要用间歇操作,同时又想用一个塔,吸收完了,再用这个塔精馏,降低成本 有谁知道怎么模拟吗? 查看更多
同轴式催化裂化装置待生塞阀突然失灵全关死,短时间内打 ...? 装置不同,情况各异,要严格按事故预案做,不然后果很严重的。这事遇到一回,当时吓得半死,还好没事。 那是上深夜班时,因为汽提段藏量波动,待阀关得太小,卡死了。因为待阀磨损还有点内漏,室内当时加工量降得很小,活动汽提蒸汽,调整三器压力,室外现场手摇。还好时间短没事。否则,就会架桥,严重时催化剂会全跑到分馏系统。(我们装置曾经发生过)。 建议最好按事故预案做,出事后果很严重的。查看更多
新球罐投运时是用氮气充压还是气化后的液化气充压? 那思路清晰了,3000立的液化石油气球罐。属于易燃易爆气体,所以在球罐进料之前必须保证球罐内的氧含量合格 ... 感谢前半段哈哈! 后半段我有异议,我觉得会气化补充分压~~查看更多
职业:岳阳昌德化工实业有限公司 - 化工研发
学校:潍坊职业学院 - 会计电算化(原财务会计)
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