化工英语翻译求助? 1 the fuel gas streams, if any, available at a pressure higher than300 kpag may be routed to the fuel gas network, at block limits. indicate if the heating value requirements are not met as formulated in attachment 1, bedd section3.11. 2 all units(equipment and piping) are to be mechanically designed as full of water 。 3 all non-cryogenic units (equipment and piping) shall be designed for steam-out conditions(full vacuum at 150 °c). 4 sparing philosophy 5 capital cost estimate: provide in us dollars a 4 quarter 2007 capital estimate (+20%/-15%) for the isbl process( us gulf coast basis is preferred ) that includes the following information: note:the licensor to provide the level of accuracy(+/- %) range and the basis of the estimate if it is different from what is being asked in this request. should the licensor provide costs for any location other usgc, please state location and owner will convert cost to usgc. 6 the area is dominated by the aeolian formation consisting of stabilised dunes, sand and sandy soil. sand is blown in from the erdos desert, one part of the site consists of these dunes. the rest of the area to the east of the site is flatter with clay-like soil. in case of above ground, not insulated lines a maximum design temperature of tbc, and a minimum design temperature of - tbc, should be applied for pressurized conditions if the flow through the line is expected to be stagnant for a considerable percentage of the time. 7 references to a high point of paving (hpp), high point of finished surface or alike shall always refer to the established plant coordinate system. 8 power for fin fan motors 9 the cooling water system serving the chlor-alkali, chlorinated methanes, edc and vcm units will however be a clean, indirect, closed cooling water system with cooling of the closed loop by a salt water cooling tower. the salt water cooling water system will cool the clean closed loop cooling water system which in turn will be circulated through the process units for process cooling purposes. make-up to the salt water cooling tower will be salty blow down and waste water streams from around the site. 10 maximum and minimum cooling water supply temperatures are provided in case there are other process considerations such as minimum allowable tube wall temperature, for example, and shall not be used to determine exchanger surface area. 11 for ecust gasification a compressor shall be installed inside the gasification unit to boost the pressure of the hp nitrogen locally to the 12.0 mpag required by this technology. 12 power for plant startup and backup power during transient senarios will come from the shanxi 330kv grid 13 required prior to start of fel 【 front end loading (fel) represents those activities and work products required to enter into the detailed design engineering stage with sufficient detail in order to minimize changes in the detailed design engineering, construction, and startup phases. it includes the epc(m) tendering process and development of required documentation. 】 14 term applies to such person as contractor may authorize in writing to act as contractor’s representative and who’s decision and communications are binding upon the contractor. 15 facility is allowed to run at its design capacity and at specification prior to final acceptance, even while some punch list items may remain open. commercial operation is evidenced by a certificate to this effect (commercial operations certificate) endorsed by owner. 16 means the tests, inspections, adjustments, alignment and installations of equipment and systems and charge of chemicals and catalyst for the facilities up to and including the introduction of feedstock. all systems must be operable and ready to start-up and owner will have full “care custody and control” at the end of commissioning. commissioning will be performed by the owner. 17 the decrease in the amount of a reactant as it reacts chemically to form products, expressed as the percentage of the initial amount of the same reactant. 18 east coast terminal 这次贴了好多要翻译的 ,本人不才啊 上次非常感谢各位高手的帮忙:loveliness: 不胜感激啊 这次还望各位大哥不吝赐教 还有上次那个hold list是不是要求提供的清单的意思啊 那个ecust貌似不是华东理工的意思 那个单词在第11条里 查看更多
往复压缩机油站? 压缩机不是本身就带有辅助打循环的装置么,怎么还需要另外加一个油站? 那个油不行,还需配有一个稀油站。这样才能更好的带动压缩机内部物料的循环。 查看更多
ABB 800xA Hi安全系统好用吗? 至于好不好用,看看他的市场占有率就知道了。abb 800xa hi国内都没有用过几套,市场大部分都被triconex和hima瓜分了。查看更多
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北京化工专业中级职称评定的参考书问题? 楼主好,我也今年要进中级职称 参考书没有,报名的时候有考试大纲 但太晚了怕来不及 有评完的么?介绍一下经验,专业课好考不? 有2008年的考试大纲的兄弟姐妹能不能上传一份 我需要《有机化工专业基础与实务》或《无机化工专业基础与实务》 楼主如果找到了能不能发给我一份 我的邮箱: wangfei0327 先谢谢了查看更多
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职业:浙江安联检测技术服务有限公司 - 给排水工程师
学校:深圳职业技术学院 - 化生学院
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