aspen hysys中水露点,烃露点怎么计算?? 烃露点在properties点append new correlation (绿色的加号) 里面gas 下面的hc dew point(hydrocarbon)水 ... 太有用了。好东西啊 查看更多
关于仪表RS485通讯的问题? 可能是我没说清楚,现在流量计c与其他流量计走的是485总线连接到上位机a的,现在上位机机b也想连到总线里,并且想得到流量计c的数据查看更多
DCS维护、维修操作票? 很好,借鉴学习了,感谢无私奉献 查看更多
增压透平膨胀机转速突然下降,有那些原因导致? 参数不够详细,建议将增压端进出口压力、膨胀端进出口压力调出来比对一下。查看更多
煤制气产业的那些“被误解”? 煤制天然气是没错,但没有解决废水处理的问题,就不能一拥而上了。大唐的煤制天然气与神华煤制烯烃一样,属 ... 大唐最主要的问题一直都不是废水,先是管道,后来是气化炉腐蚀。 查看更多
最令人叹为观止的中式英语,你能看懂吗? 呵呵,要与国际接轨,这是咱们急需改变的地方,这些“chenglish”不光我们看不懂,老外也是一头雾水。 查看更多
椭圆齿轮流量计? 恩,奥巴的椭圆齿轮流量计在椭圆齿轮流量计中是一个什么档次? 顺道问一下,质量流量计是不是”万能准“ ... 这个我个人认为只是一个抽像概念,如果在同等条件下,安装及使用都是没有问题,当然是质量流量计可靠性强,你说你那里的质量流量计不准,你要核实一下,它有没有满足安装要求,使用情况符合不,参数设置有没有问题,你都要考虑进去。 查看更多
减粘裂化问题? 回复 4# dyzhh 反应温度一般都是在430度到440度,压力在0.7mpa以下,我们实际生产是看出来的渣油粘度能不能达到要求查看更多
压力表的选型问题? 我们540度都是冷凝圈,没说不行。查看更多
换热面积计算问题? 要从手册中查到传热系数 k ,确定 k 后根据公式 file:///c:/docume~1/slq/locals~1/temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-61.png 计算换热面积 a 。 file:///c:/docume~1/slq/locals~1/temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-123.png 式中 q —单位时间内,从热流体取走的或加给冷流体的热量, kj/s ; file:///c:/docume~1/slq/locals~1/temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-199.png _ 气体的质量流率, kg/s ; file:///c:/docume~1/slq/locals~1/temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-256.png —气体的定压比热, kj/kg ·s ; t 1 ,t 2 —气体的进、出口温度, k 。 file:///c:/docume~1/slq/locals~1/temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-335.png file:///c:/docume~1/slq/locals~1/temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-378.png , file:///c:/docume~1/slq/locals~1/temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-424.png t 1 , t 2 —循环水的进、出口温度, k 。 查看更多
关于管板堆焊后校平问题? 两管板先焊再一起再堆焊,根本不变形。查看更多
关于FCC气压机反飞动中压缩富气的去向问题,是在分馏塔 ...? 应当放后面,刚进料时用分馏塔顶大蝶阀控制,此时气压机于可以用反飞动升速查看更多
广东揭阳2000万吨炼油项目已经开工? 希望了解的朋友能说说详细情况,目前进展到什么程度了?查看更多
管道聚氨酯泡沫保冷怎么做,要注意哪些? 管道保冷的施工,一要接缝必须严密,二要做防潮层,查看更多
请大家谈谈自己所在公司、厂的装置开工率? 我们的现在满负荷生产都不能满足呢, 从去年进入12月一直到现在都没停,可怜我除夕夜还在公司上班查看更多
丙烯球罐设计压力按新容规吗? 按新容规要求:50度下丙烯饱和蒸气压为工作压力 设计压力p=1.05x1.95=2.05mpa 取鋼板厚度時按老容规推荐---设计压力2.16mpa 球罐顶部的双安全阀定压设置 2.05mpa 同時噴洩查看更多
55%硝酸使用什么材质的卧式储罐啊? 多大的体积?小的可能好搞查看更多
2010年职称英语《理工类B级》考点精粹四? 2010 年职称英语《理工类 b 级》考点精粹四 (17-20) flying the hypert1 skies a little airplane has given new meaning to the term “going hyper.” the hyper-x2 recently broke the record for air-breathing jet planes when it traveled at a hypersonic speed of seven times the speed of sound.that’s about 5,000 miles per hour.at this speed ,you’d get around the world — flying along the equator — in less than 5 hours. the hyper-x is an unmanned,experimental aircraft just 12 feet long. it achieves hypersonic speed using a special sort of engine known as a scramjet3.it may sound like something from a comic book,but engineers have been experimenting with scramjets since the 1960s. for an engine to burn fuel and produce energy,it needs oxygen.a jet engine,like those on passenger airplanes,gets oxygen from the air.a rocket engine typically goes faster but has to carry its own supply of oxygen.a scramjet engine goes as fast as a rocket,but it doesn’t have to carry its own oxygen supply.a scramjet's special design allows it to obtain oxygen from the air that flows through the engine.and it does so without letting the fast-moving air put out the combustion flames. however,a scramjet engine works properly only at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound.a booster rocket carried the hyper-x to an altitude of about 100,000 feet for its test flight.the aircraft’s record-beating flight lasted just 11 seconds.although the little plane’s self-powered flight lasted only 11 seconds,that brief journey on march 27 makes a major milestone on the way to a new breed of very fast airplanes,comments werner j.a.dahm of the university of michigan in ann arbor4.in the future,engineers predict,airplanes equipped with scramjet engines could transport cargo quickly and cheaply to the brink of space. such hypersonic jets could potentially carry passengers anywhere in the world in just a few hours. out of the three experimental hyper-x aircrafts built for nasa5,only one is now left.the agency has plans for another 11-second hypersonic flight,this time at 10 times the speed of the sound. 词汇 hypersonic/7haipe( 5scnik/adj. 超音速的 booster/ 5bu:ste/n. 助推器 equator/i5kweite(r)/ n. 赤道  milestone/5mailsteun/n. 里程碑 unmanned/qn5mand/adj. 无人的 booster rocket 助推火箭 scramjet/5skramdvet/n. 超音速燃烧冲压式, cargo/5kb:^eu/n. 货物 喷气发动机 combustion/kem5bqstfen/n. 燃烧 brink/brink/n. 边缘 练习: 1. the hyper-x broke the record because a it was the first air-breathing jet plane. b it flew along the equator. c it flew at speeds smaller than five times the speed of sound. d it traveled at a supersonic speed 2. what kind of an engine did the hyper-x use? a a jet engine that gets oxygen from the air. b a scramjet engine that doesn’t carry its own oxygen supply. c a rocket engine that carries its own supply of oxygen. d a iet engine that uses no oxygen. 3. what is not true about the scramjet engine? a it goes slower than a rocket. b it extracts oxygen from the air that flows through the engine. c it works only at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound. d it doesn’t carry its own oxygen supply. 4. what did werner j.a.dahm of the university of michigan say about the hyper-x test flight? a it indicated the birth of a very fast airplane. b it was self-powered , so it lasted only 11 seconds. c it can transportcargo quickly and cheaply to the brink of space. d it is a major milestone in the journey of making a new type of very fast airplanes, 5. what has nasa planned to do? a to make another 11-second hypersonic flight at 10 times the speed of the sound. b to make three more hyper-x experiments. c to retest the aircraft that is left. d to make the aircraft fly higher and longer. 标准答案: c,b,a,d,a 查看更多
对总承包工程如何管理? 其实所谓的epc还是有中国特色的。说是总承包,一些具体事,总承包商还得听业主的,只有业主不愿管的闲事,才交给总包。查看更多
浙大dcs累计问题? 学习了,收益匪浅。查看更多
职业:浙江卫星石化股份有限公司 - 设备工程师
学校:山东大学 - 历史文化学院
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