求XPS测试高人指点?近期投稿的意见返回,审稿人要求回答XPS非常细致的问题,求XPS方面的专家指点 审稿人意见: 2)The experimental details for the XPS measurements are completely inadequate and should be included in the manuscript or supporting information. The units of the pass energies are wrong (volt is a unit of potential difference, not energy). Which relative sensitivity factors were used for quantification? How were the samples mounted? How was charge neutralization performed? What was the excitation source (energy, power, monochromation)? How were the resulting spectra charge referenced? Which background type was used for integration? 审稿人问的太细太装,但上述这些细节 测试 条件从哪可以获取?怎么回答比较好 3)The authors should include all detected elements when calculating the atomic concentrations from XPS survey spectra. They are missing calcium and sodium and silicon from the starting material, and sulfur and silicon in the product. The authors should also justify the presence of these elements considering their potential effect on the performance of the materials. 关键我们测的XPS只分析了C、O、N,样品不含Ca、Si、Na,理论上XPS应该测不出他们的信号,为什么审稿人要求考察Ca、Si、Na对材料性能的影响?查看更多2个回答 . 4人已关注