PROⅡ模拟氯化钠溶液降温,出现错误,待高人求解? 对于溶液用简单的 换热器 模型进行模拟不知道哪设置有问题,老是报错, “message ** In thermodynamic method set 1, 'pr01', nacl component is not supported by the simsci water solubility method. Estimated parameters will be used for this component.** warning ** Thermodynamic method 'pr01' for vle k-values should not be used for liquid phase properties with ls components. If any ls components appear in a stream using this method in the calculation phase, the calculations will be stopped.” 是不是热力方法错误?,如何解决,忘高人指点,十分感谢 qq 260525836 查看更多11个回答 . 1人已关注