Nonlinear Restrains翻译? 本人英语水平比较差,求人帮忙翻译下面这段文字,谢谢! Nonlinear restraints are defined as restraints whose stiffness is not uniform along the line of action of the restraint. Uni-directional restraints (for example, pipe resting on a rack), restraints with a gap, and bi-linear restraints are all nonlinear. Whereas fully bidirectional restraints are linear. The following illustration shows force vs. displacement curves for several linear and nonlinear restraints in Caesar II. Note the slope of the curve dictates the stiffness of the restraint (rigid restraints have an almost vertical slope). All nonlinear restraints have more than one stiffness in their force vs. displacement curves while all linear restraints have a constant stiffness.查看更多1个回答 . 1人已关注