关于硬度测试? Hardness testing, if required, shall as minium, be conducted as follows: a) one test on each longitudinal seam per course for each 10 feet (3 meters) of welds or porttion thereof b) one test on each circumferential seam per course for each 10 feet (3 meters) of welds or portion thereof 前面的我还能理解,后面的都不知道往哪儿加了。 难道是每节筒体的每条纵缝上每10英尺(3米)焊缝或施焊部位做一次硬度 测试 ? 下一句是:每节筒体的每条环缝上每10英尺(3米)焊缝或施焊部位做一次硬度测试 这样对吗?查看更多2个回答 . 4人已关注