Bruker D8测试过程中不小心打开了门,内心惶恐?打开门切线自动就关了,快门就关了,拍的毛线 最近出了车祸,整车报废,追尾,对方全责,检查了很多次CT之类的,有点不太行,最近一个月要经常复诊。在海外疫情严重,内心各种慌,只要后车接近,内心都要慌一下。然后带学生实验的时候也经常出各种岔子,总是忘东忘西的。 下午出了这个open door 按钮事故后,也看了不少资料,虽然知道没什么问题,内心好像还是不安。 Under normal operating conditions the door handles are locked by a mechanical shutter. To open the front door(s) this button must be pressed. Then the front door(s) can be opened. If the Open Door button is activated while the tube window is open, the X-ray shutter will close automatically. After closing the front doors, the X-ray shutter can be opened again. 资料上是这么说来着。。。查看更多