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自吸泵自吸高度和吸上高度的区别? 在翻阅采购设备数据表时,看到备注上有自吸高度4m,吸上高度6m,这对 自吸泵 有什么要求呢?是否是液面与叶轮入口的最大位差可能为6m,而泵必须具有位差4米以上的自吸能力。查看更多 2个回答 . 20人已关注
请问循环水冷却蒸汽,循环水管线上必须要设置安全阀吗?哪个规范上有规定呢? 请问循环水冷却蒸汽,循环水管线上必须要设置 安全阀 吗?哪个规范上有规定呢?查看更多 2个回答 . 13人已关注
氢键,氢键!!? 请问各位,有哪些表征手段可以 测试 分子间氢键的形成和存在?又是否可以定向测试是哪个原子和H形成了氢键?。除了红外,还有其他的吗? 本人外行,感谢各位不吝赐教。 查看更多 6个回答 . 4人已关注
锁底接头? 请问各位大神,锁底接头适用于受压元件的筒体或者壳体的对接吗?查看更多 5个回答 . 20人已关注
如何确定PCR的方法? 本学期的实验是有关MAPK信号通道的,涉及到JNK的 蛋白检测 和mRNA的检测 具体就是要比较各组间mRNA转录的量有无差异,本人看了很多相关的PCR资料,还是对各种PCR没有较清晰的理解,无从确定该采用哪种方法? 查看更多 2个回答 . 6人已关注
伯奇还原反应? 查看更多 1个回答 . 11人已关注
普鲁士蓝染色法对石蜡切片进行染色,染色步骤详细描述,但是我发现切片基本上不着色,没有蓝色出现? 普鲁士蓝染色法对石蜡切片进行染色,石蜡切片先用二甲苯进行脱蜡,然后依次用无水乙醇、 95%乙醇 、85%乙醇、 75%乙醇 进行洗涤,最后放在蒸馏水中洗一下,然后用10% 亚铁氰化钾 和20%盐酸的等体积混合液进行染色,染色20分钟。 但是发现切片基本上不着色,没有蓝色出现,后来将染色时间延长至1~2小时,最后发现切片还是不着色。但是真的找不到具体的原因,想请教各位,这里面的问题究竟是什么,有什么比较好的解决办法? 查看更多 2个回答 . 7人已关注
谁做过pEASY-BluntCloning啊?谁做过平末端连接啊? 我用phusion酶PCR扩增出了我的产物,下一步是做连接,可是我不知道该怎么做。说明书看不懂啊? 克隆反应体系的建立 在微型 离心管 中依次加入溶液: PCR 产物 0.5-4 μl (根据PCR 产物量可适当增减,最多不超过4 μl) pEASY- Blunt Cloning Vector 1 μl 轻轻混合,室温 (20℃-37℃) 反应5分钟。反应结束后, 将离心管置于冰上。 是这样做就可以了吗?怎么没加 连接酶 啊? 查看更多 3个回答 . 10人已关注
如何设计RNA探针? 已知基因序列,如何设计其RNA探针序列? 用来做 原位杂交 用 查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
盐酸度洛西汀合成工艺交流? 各位虫虫,小弟现在在做 盐酸度洛西汀 的工艺研究,采用最经典的方法,前面都没有问题了,就是在最后一步用氯 甲酸苯酯 脱N- 甲基 ,反应完毕,后处理上出来状况:加入冰水,用醋酸调PH=5,正己烷萃取,但生成大量褐色粘稠物,没哟溶于水的迹象;且用乙酸乙酯萃取后,后处理液也慢慢变深,同事生成其他杂质; 对已脱去N-甲基或者对于这个项目各位有什么好的建议吗?查看更多 9个回答 . 16人已关注
alexa fluor 647? 哪位大神知道alexa fluor 647 荧光染料 的分子结构的?查看更多 1个回答 . 18人已关注
关于FITC荧光素? 异硫氰酸荧光素 溶于DMF吗?我的反应呈悬浊液,这咋整啊 查看更多 3个回答 . 10人已关注
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求助氢溴酸沃赛汀的汤森路透报告? 如题,网上能查到的信息不多,国内正在申请进口,求助各位大侠啦查看更多 1个回答 . 18人已关注
示差折光检测器溶剂峰有时正峰有时倒峰? 我用的 示差折光检测器 , 流动相 就是70% 乙腈 ,溶剂也是70%乙腈,不知为何,空白溶剂峰有时是正峰,有时是倒峰,关键是溶剂出峰跟我样品出峰位置接近,存在干扰,不知道大家有没有遇到过这样的问题没?希望有经验的同事多多指点哈,谢谢!查看更多 5个回答 . 10人已关注
月桂酰阿立哌唑是什么制剂技术? 已上市的 阿立哌唑 (Aripiprazole)长效注射剂使用的是缓控微球技术,一个月注射一次。即将上市的 月桂酰阿立哌唑 (Aripiprazole lauroxil) 也是一个月注射一次,但是不知道是不是也是缓控微球技术?还是其它制剂技术?请知道的朋友多多赐教!查看更多 6个回答 . 8人已关注
求OTC药物Carragelose(Iota? 如题,求Ingeiheim(Germany)公司的OTC药物Carragelose(Iota-carrageenan)的thomson reuters pharma的报告查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
大家对诺华诺德的 Semaglutide 前景怎么看? 个人感觉这个药前景不错!而且诺华诺德还在开发该药的口服制剂。 http://seekingalpha.com/article/ ... hows-promise?page=2 Novo Nordisk's Diabetes Pill Shows Promise Summary •Novo Nordisk, in partnership with Emisphere and Merrion, is developing an oral GLP-1 analogue pill for the treatment of Type-2 diabetes. •The Phase I trial is complete, and top line results provide strong evidence of efficacy and safety; Phase II and related Phase I trials are underway. •This progress firms Novo-Nordisk's standing as a long-term leader in diabetic care, and offers speculative investment opportunities in Emisphere and Merrion. Novo Nordisk (NYSE:NVO) is generally recognized as one of the world's leaders in diabetes drug development and sales, with over $2B in R&D spending in 2013, and a 27% market share in diabetes care - higher than any other company. It continues to push the envelope with its drug development programs, and particularly its diabetes pill research. In this article, I bring attention to results released earlier this year and ongoing oral clinical efforts by Novo that should complete by the end of the year. Novo's oral diabetes drug development comprises two arms: insulin and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Both drugs regulate blood glucose, with GLP-1 stimulating insulin production by the pancreas. As pharmaceuticals, insulin can be used to treat early- and late-stages of either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes, whereas GLP-1 can be used only in early-stage Type 2 diabetes. The current market for insulin is about eight times that of the GLP-1 market. However, the market for early-stage Type 2 treatments, including GLP-1, is expected to grow significantly with aging populations, improved diagnostics and earlier treatment regimens, and the eventual availability of alternatives to injections that increase patient compliance. Novo currently has about 65% of the GLP-1 value market, but faces significant injectable competition in the near future. Oral diabetes treatments must overcome two stomach/gastrointestinal (GI) tract obstacles: early breakdown of the drug in the gut, and difficult passage across the gut barrier to get into circulation. Once in circulation, it is also necessary to ensure the drug doesn't degrade too fast in the bloodstream for uptake within crucial organs. Novo has found that insulin and GLP-1 in their traditional forms have properties that make such oral delivery difficult in reasonable quantities. To aid the delivery process, Novo has pursued the use of pharmaceutical analogues, engineered versions of insulin and GLP-1 that mimic the natural behavior of the original substances but also possess additional beneficial qualities. With GLP-1, for example, appropriate amino acid substitutions can lead to reduced enzymatic degradation and prolonged circulation half-life. These characteristics benefit absorption. So, to be more precise, Novo is pursuing the development of insulin and GLP-1 analogues for tablet formulations. Oral GLP-1 Novo's oral GLP-1 is being advanced first, simply because it's easier to do safely than oral insulin: a patient's tolerability to GLP-1 dose excursions is much greater than it is to insulin dose excursions. With a GLP-1 pill, there is significantly less risk of hypoglycemia than with an insulin pill. Consequently, there is less concern about dosage absorption variability owing to what foods have been eaten or how much liquid was swallowed with the pill, or inter-patient variability such as may occur owing to differences in gut bacteria. Novo's most advanced oral GLP-1 analogue is based on its current Phase III injectable drug under development, semaglutide. Semaglutide is expected to be the heir to Novo's current blockbuster GLP-1 analogue drug, Victoza, which had 2013 sales of $2B and has patent expiration in 2020. While Victoza is a once-daily injection, semaglutide is expected to be initially a once-weekly injection, and eventually also to be a once-daily tablet. In its trials, injectable semaglutide is appearing as effective as Victoza, and potentially superior by some measures. To help overcome the GI degradation and absorption obstacles for GLP-1, Novo developed its semaglutide tablet (drug NN9924) in partnership with Emisphere Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB:EMIS) and Merrion Pharmaceuticals (MERR). These companies provide coatings and carriers that protect peptides against digestive degradation, and gut-absorption enhancers that aid in the delivery across the gut-circulatory system barrier. Merrion's enhancers target absorption in the duodenum, which is early in the GI tract, immediately following the stomach. Emisphere's enhancers target absorption throughout the GI tract, especially through the large surface area of the small intestine. These enhancers, along with Novo's amino acid design, impart strong absorption, maximizing uptake and reducing the quantity of GLP-1 analogue required for treatment. Phase I Results Most importantly, this combination has shown efficacy and safety in early trials. NN9924 was recently tested in a 10-week Phase I trial of 400 people to test for safety, and 17 with Type-2 diabetes to provide an initial test of efficacy. Of the 17, 11 received the semaglutide pill and 6 received the placebo. Novo showed and discussed some of the Phase I results at its December 3, 2013 Capital Markets Day presentation and in its January 30, 2014 2013 Full-Year presentation and conference call. This included data demonstrating the efficacy of NN9924 averaged over the 11 diabetes patients, as compared to the placebo arm (shown in this chart from its Full-Year presentation). Novo notes that the HbA1c and body mass reductions with oral administration are similar in performance to subcutaneously administered semaglutide treatment at similar exposure. (click to enlarge) The safety of NN9924 was discussed by Emisphere's CEO in its 2013Q2 conference call. Regarding these results, he said, “"In the trials, oral semaglutide treatment appeared to be safe and was well tolerated. The most frequent reported adverse events were mild or moderate in severity and in line with observations from other GLP-1 class treatments." He also mentioned that the HbA1c reduction and weight loss were statistically significant. Phase II Trial Novo recently announced the start of its Phase II oral GLP-1 trial, which is being performed with NN9924. Phase II is actively assessing Type-2 diabetes subjects, and is expected to complete primary endpoint testing in December 2014. Multiple dosing schedules between 2.5 mg and 40 mg are planned with 603 people in 14 countries. Optimized dose titration is expected to alleviate the moderate side effects observed in the Phase I trial. The once-daily oral semaglutide results will be compared to those from subjects receiving once-weekly subcutaneous semaglutide and placebo. Related Phase I Trials Novo's confidence in its oral semaglutide development is further evidenced by its moving forward with five new NN9924 Phase I studies. Two of the studies involve subjects with impaired hepatic (liver) and renal (kidney) function. These studies compare oral and injected semaglutide safety and tolerability between impaired and normal subjects, neither of which have diabetes. Both studies are expected to be completed in October 2014. Another study is looking at the influence of oral semaglutide on healthy subjects taking warfarin, an anti-coagulant used to prevent blood clots, and lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor used to treat hypertension, congestive heart failure and complications of diabetes. This study is expected to be completed in August 2014. A study is being done to assess the effect of food in the stomach on the pharmacokinetics of oral semaglutide, to be completed in October 2014. Finally, a trial is being done to investigate the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety and tolerability of oral semaglutide in healthy male Japanese and Caucasian subjects, expected to be completed in December 2014. Pricing and Availability Novo's pricing strategy for oral semaglutide tablets is obviously preliminary at this early stage, but was nevertheless discussed in the January 30, 2014 conference call. Novo expects to price the tablet treatments at the same price as the weekly injected semaglutide dosing. Note that the maximum active ingredient size of the tablets tested in the Phase I trial was 40 mg, and this appears to have had comparable efficacy to 0.8 mg subcutaneous treatment, so much more active ingredient is required. While the minimum dosage hasn't been determined yet, this amounts to about 2% GLP-1 worst-case absorption with the 40 mg pill. Also, the tablet has daily versus weekly dosing, so production costs will surely be a consideration on the pricing. When might this diabetes pill become available? Assume Phase II suffices for the regulatory agencies (no Phase IIa) and all goes smoothly with great results in the trials. Also, assume 1 year each for both Phase II and Phase III trials, 1 year for achieving FDA approval, and 1 year to get production and marketing in place. The Novo/Emisphere/Merrion team could have an oral GLP-1 pill available for patients as early as 2018. Some Cautionary Notes on Emisphere and Merrion Whereas Novo Nordisk is a stable, profitable large-cap pharmaceutical company with a diverse product line centered on diabetes care, Emisphere and Merrion are nano-caps with little or no commercial sales and weak balance sheets. Emisphere trades over-the-counter after falling from Nasdaq listing in 2009. It currently has no material sales, and is not yet profitable. It established a partnership with Novo in 2008 to develop oral GLP-1 products, and in 2010 to develop oral insulin products. The GLP-1 development license allows for more than $87 million in contingent product development and sales milestone payments, including a $10 million non-refundable license fee which was received during June 2008 and a $10 million payment which was paid in 2013 in advance of Phase II and Phase III milestones. Emisphere will also be entitled to receive royalties in the event Novo Nordisk commercializes these GLP-1 products. The royalty rate has not been released. Emisphere is in need of financing to continue operations past the second quarter of 2014. It is working to overcome its financing obstacles by commercializing products and building its pipeline through partnerships. In 2012, Emisphere brought in a new management team focused on commercialization and sales, in the hopes of monetizing its carrier technology and generating a revenue stream. A combination of capital market stock sales and up-front royalty payments by commercial partners is expected sometime soon in an effort to commercialize prescription high-dosage oral B-12. Emisphere recently doubled its authorized share count, so some dilution will likely occur in the near future. Merrion trades on the Irish Stock Exchange. Like Emisphere, Merrion has no commercially available products, is not yet profitable, and is in need of financing to continue its operations. Merrion signed development licenses with Novo for oral GLP-1 in 2009 and oral insulin in 2008. The GLP-1 product development license allows for up to $58M in milestones and royalties on commercial sales. In addition, Novo has supported Merrion by making capital investments in the company through stock purchases. Merrion also has several other products under development in its pipeline. Emisphere and Merrion are both extremely risky investments with market-cap valuations less than $20M and low liquidity. They trade infrequently, sometimes going a day or more without any trades. Daily price swings near 25% sometimes occur. Investment in nano-cap companies should be done with extreme caution and with the consultation of an investment advisor after you do your own due diligence. Conclusion The Novo/Emisphere/Merrion team has diligently designed a GLP-1 pill that has produced very encouraging Phase I efficacy data and safety results. Novo was confident enough to release and discuss some of the top line outcomes at its end-of-year conferences. Strong data like these are not often achieved and disseminated after a Phase I trial, and Novo provided an early positive assessment from which to gauge the promise of the Phase II trials. From an investor's perspective, there are multiple plays here. Successful development of the GLP-1 pill would further solidify Novo's GLP-1 market leadership and likely help it grow its future market share in the GLP-1 category. This strengthens the position of long-term Novo investors. It would also provide a windfall and revenue stream to Novo's partners, Emisphere and Merrion, owing to their milestone and royalty agreements. Consequently, there is potential for high investment returns from these small companies, though there remains substantial risk at this mid-Phase II point as well.查看更多 9个回答 . 19人已关注
职业:爱森(中国)絮凝剂有限公司 - 化工工艺设计师
学校:肇庆学院 - 轻工化工系
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