水热法制备TiO2纳米线?有谁用这篇文献的方法制备出TiO2纳米线的?文献“Hydrothermal synthesis and photoluminescence of TiO2 nanowires”In a typical preparation procedure, 1 g anatase TiO2 white powders were placedinto a Teflon-lined autoclave of 50 ml capacity.Then, the autoclave was filled with 10 M NaOHaqueous solution up to 80% of the total volume,sealed into a stainless steel tank and maintained at200 C for 24 h without shaking or stirring duringthe heating. After the autoclave was naturallycooled to room temperature, the obtained samplewas sequentially washed with dilute HCl aqueoussolution, distilled deionized water and absoluteethanol for several times. The samples were driedat 70 C for 6 h. Finally, soft fibrous powders withwhite color were obtained.查看更多0个回答 . 4人已关注