wiley新书Amino Group Chemistry? Amino Group Chemistry: From Synthesis to the Life Sciences Alfredo Ricci (Editor) ISBN: 978-3-527-31741-7 Hardcover 408 pages January 2008 Wiley List Price: US $200.00 1 Simple Molecules, Highly Effi cient Amination 2 Catalytic C-H Amination with Nitrenes 3 Nitroalkenes as Amination Tools 4 Isocyanide-Based Multicomponent Reactions (IMCRs) as a Valuable Tool 5 Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich Reactions and Surroundings 6 Amino-Based Building Blocks for the Construction of Biomolecules 7 Aminated Sugars, Synthesis, and Biological Activity 8 Selective N-Derivatization of Aminoglycosides en Route to New Antibiotics and Antivirals 9 Evolution of Transition Metal-Catalyzed Amination Reactions [ ]查看更多0个回答 . 3人已关注
Aspen和EDR物性问题? 目前在做NaOH水溶液的 降膜蒸发器 , 换热器 在Aspen中模拟好了,但是之后在用EDR进行详细计算时,发现EDR中的物性和Aspen模拟的有较大差别。 比如,在Aspen模拟中,42%的NaOH水溶液在2.2Bar(绝压)的压力下,泡点约为156.7度。但是在EDR中输入以上条件后,发现已经有大约25%(wt)的气相了,然后我又试着从Aspen中直接导入数据到EDR中进行计算,结果运行报错,报错内容如下:“P18: Specific enthalpies for stream 2 do not increase with temperature, (or only increase by an implausibly small amount). Stream data set number 6, at quality1”。请问各位盖德有没有解决的方法,怎么才能使Aspen中模拟的物性和EDR对应起来。小弟不胜感激。 查看更多4个回答 . 3人已关注