李阳励志英语第二辑:心理强于身体? A Winning Mentality 赢者思维 [1] Attitude really is everything. Today, I want to talk about the importance of a winning mentality! 态度真的就是一切!今天,我想和大家谈一谈赢者思维模式的重要性! [2] Sports psychology has demonstrated that winning has as much to do with mental strength as ability: in other words, a positive attitude leads to success. 运动心理学证明,赢得比赛,精神力量和能力一样重要。换句话说,积极的态度赢得成功。 [3] At least 70 per cent of our daily thoughts are negative. Can you imagine how much more on a bad day? Negativity is a major obstacle to success, so we need to develop a good positive attitude in order to create winning situations in our everyday lives. 每天我们至少有70%的想法是负面的。你能想像糟糕的一天会有多少负面想法吗?消极思维是成功的主要障碍,所有我们需要积极思考才能创造成功局面。 [4] Start the day with a positive thought or action. ·When you open your eyes be glad for the day. 当我们睁开眼睛的时候,感激这新的一天。 ·Expect the best. 期望最好。 ·Choose positivity over negativity every time. 每次都用积极代替消极。反复操练,直至成为习惯! ·Be aware of your thought patterns and take complete control over them. 了解自己的思维模式,并立刻控制它们,而不是被他们控制和奴役! ·Immediately get out of bed and jump up and down several times. 立刻从床上跳起来,原地跳跃几次。 特别注释: Mentality n. 智力, 精神, 心理, 思想情况;心理状态 It's very difficult to understand the mentality of people who say such things. 很难理解讲这种话的人的心理状态。 Thought n. 想法;看法;观念;念头 She's a quiet girl and doesn't share her thoughts. 她是个内向的女孩,不表露她的想法。 Positivity n. 积极性 查看更多0个回答 . 3人已关注