求助一篇催化文献中的一个短语的意思“additional electronic activation”?The high catalytic performance could be attributed to the special structure of the catalytic N-doped carbon-metal heterojunction, which led to not only very stable and uniform dispersion of Pd NPs but also additional electronic activation of the metal NPs and good dispersion of the catalyst in water [1]他做的是 Pd@CN0.132 催化剂 ,用于 香兰素 的加氢脱氧。我的问题是:句中的“additional electronic activation”是什么意思?应该如何理解呢?谢谢![1] Xuan Xu, et. al. , J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 16987?16990查看更多4个回答 . 13人已关注