美国青少年最常说的流行词汇? 喜欢标新立异的年轻人总是喜欢自创一套语言,以便让自己的谈吐比年长的一辈更特别一些。有时候就连爸爸妈妈都不知道自己的孩子到底在说些什么。让我们看看看着电视和听着流行音乐长大的美国青少年都喜欢说些什么词。 1 dis Dis其实是disrespect这个词的简略形式,意思是不尊重,不重视。 这个词起先用在rap music绕舌音乐中。演唱的人以快速强烈的节奏说唱词。近年来青少年中风行绕舌音乐,于是他们就在日常交谈中借用了dis这个词。 例如:I was supposed to meet these guys in front of MacDonald's at noon, but nobody showed up. What happened I don't know but maybe they dissed me by going someplace else without telling me. 我和这些人约定中午在麦当劳快餐店门前碰头,但是他们连影儿都不见。我不清楚他们究竟是怎么回事。他们可能根本没把我放在眼里,所以去了别的地方都没跟我说一声。 2 props Dis的反义词。Props 意思是尊重,它是proper respect 的简略形式。青少年常用props 这个词来恭维某人或者某人的作为,要注意的是刚才学的dis通常当动词,而props却是名词。 例如:I really have to give you a lot of props . No one could have done a better job with this assignment. Our professor has to be more than impressed. You'll get an A for sure I think. 我可真佩服你。这个作业谁也不可能比你做得更出色了。我们那位教授一定大为赞赏。我肯定你将得到A。 句中的 give you a lot of props 意思是非常佩服你。 又如:I sure want to give you props for speaking up at the meeting. A lot of people felt the same way, but were too scared to say anything. You were the only one brave enough to speak you mind. 我可真敬佩你在会上大胆执言。好多人虽然有同感却吓得不敢开口。只有你勇敢地把心里话说出来。 句中的 give you props 意思是敬佩你,说话的人对他朋友的仗义执言表示敬佩。 3 sweet 这个词对大家说来并不陌生,很多人知道它的意思是“甜的”,它是sour酸,或者bitter苦的反义词。Sweet通常用来描述可口或者给人好感的事物。 我们来看看一个小伙子在描述电视转播的篮球赛时怎么应用sweet 这个词: That game was terrific! I love watching Chicago and New York play against one another because they play so hard. For the final play, the crowd went crazy because the last shot was so sweet. 这场球赛精彩极了。芝加哥队和纽约队打球都非常卖力,所以我特别爱看他们的比赛。最后一场使观众都兴奋得发狂;最后一球投得棒极了。 这里的sweet用来描绘轰动全场的最后一次投篮,这里的sweet和味道无关,它的意思是棒极了、精彩极了。 Sweet也可以用来赞叹其它特别棒的事情。 例如:We got a good spot near the front and had the sweetest view of the fireworks. We were able to see all the different shapes, sizes and colors. It was fantastic, just fantastic! 我们在靠近前面的地方找到了看焰火的最佳位置。在那儿我们能把各种不同形状大小的五彩缤纷的焰火都看得一清二楚。 句中的sweetest用来描绘看焰火的好位置。它的意思就是“最好的。” 4 lame 我们大都知道lame表示“跛腿的”,当然lame用在俚语里就不是这个意思了,它的意思跟sweet正好相反,表示“糟糕的,差劲的”。 例如:That joke Karen told me was so lame. I couldn't believe it. She tried to be funny, but the punch line didn't make anybody laugh. I think her sense of humor is really weird. Karen讲给我听的那个笑话真糟糕,简直令人难以置信。她拼命想把它说得有意思,但是她那句逗笑的话却一点儿没引人发笑。我觉得她的幽默感有问题。 Lame可以用来描绘各种不同性质的糟糕或者令人生厌的情况。 例如:The Introduction to Economics class is so lame! The professor puts us all to sleep with his boring lectures. He doesn't teach anything practical or interesting. I want to switch classes. 经济学导论可真差劲!那位教授枯燥的讲课听得叫人都睡着了。他教的东西一点都没实用意义。我可要换班了。 5 24/7 习惯用语24/7是二十四小时和七天的简称。知道了这个来源它的意思就很明显了。我们知道一天一共二十四小时,而一星期总共七天,所以24/7把一星期里的每一天、一天里的每一小时都包括在内了。换句话说就是全部时间,或者每时每刻。 例如:Susan has been dating Gary for about a week, and she likes him a whole lot. It's difficult to get in touch with her because she's with him 24/7. Susan和Gary开始谈恋爱差不多有一星期了。她非常喜欢Gary。最近特别难找Susan,因为她一天到晚都跟Gary在外面约会。 24/7尽管来自年轻人,但不少略微年长的人受了年轻人的影响也在用这个说法。 例如:Taking care of babies is very difficult because they can't tell you what they want. My baby cries when he wants food, sleep, toys, or to be changed--everything. It seems like he is crying 24/7. 照顾孩子可真难,因为他们不会说自己想要什么。我那孩子一不对劲就哭,要吃了,要睡了,要玩具或者要换尿布了,都会哭。他似乎老在那儿没完没了地哭。 6 veg Veg显然来自vegetable。Veg是vegetable的简略形式。Vegetable是蔬菜,长在地上的蔬菜是不能自由活动的,它静静地呆在原地不动。表面看来蔬菜被动呆板,但换个角度来想它们倒也活得悠闲自在。这也许就是veg这个说法的出典。青年人中veg的意思就是“什么也不干,什么也不想,完完全全地放松休息”。 例句:I'm so glad that the week is almost over! I've had too much work to do. So I'm staying home and vegging this weekend. I won't do anything not even think about my deadlines next week. 我真高兴这个星期总算快过完了,我得做的事儿实在太多。所以这个周末我准备待在家静静地休息,我什么也不干,甚至连下星期那些截止日期都不去想。 有时候人们甚至等不到周末就想彻底地放松一下自己,因为一天工作下来确实令人精疲力尽了。我们来听听一名年轻职员下班后晚上的时间打算怎么度过。 I've run around the office all day. I'm exhausted! A whole pot of coffee couldn't keep me awake. I'm going straight home to veg --maybe watch a little television, then go to bed. 我一整天都在办公室里忙碌,实在困极了。一整壶咖啡都没法让我提神不瞌睡。我要直接回家去休息,可能看一下电视就**睡觉了。 7 chill Chill这个词通常跟冷有关,既可以指身体上的冷感也可以指情绪上的冷静。但是在习惯用法中chill 和veg一样有安静休息的意思,只是chill 比veg更多一层意思,就是chill也能指抑制情绪激动。 下句中说话的男孩儿正努力控制自己的情绪,以便头 脑清 醒地考虑问题。请特别注意里面用到的chill这个词。 Oh, no! Mom's going to be so mad that we broke the window, and we'll be in deep trouble. We've got to chill and think about what story we can tell her, so she won't get too angry. 啊,糟了!妈妈看到我们打破 玻璃 会大发脾气,那我们就得倒霉。我们一定要冷静下来好好想一想,可以编出一套什么话来跟她说,让她别那么生气。 Chill也可以用来指纯粹放松休息。特别注意下面这个小伙子的话里用到的chill跟刚才那个例子里的chill有什么不同: We didn't do much yesterday. Tim came over to my house, and we pretty much chilled there all day. We watched TV, played a few video games, and had some snacks--nothing special. 我们昨天没做什么,Tim来我家,我们整天就在家里闲待着,我们看了会儿电视,再玩儿了几盘电子游戏,然后吃了点儿点心,没什么特别的活动。 这里的chill显然指从事一些轻松悠闲的活动,或者就是放松休息。 (来源:新浪教育 英语点津姗姗编辑)查看更多0个回答 . 4人已关注
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