Fe(OH)3,450度煅烧,通氩气烧成Fe2O3;通氢气Fe3O4?After the immersion, it was taken out, dried in air, and treated at 450度 in Ar and H2for 5 h to obtain Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 nanotube arrays, respectively. 这是文献中的描述,请高手指点为啥Fe(OH)3,450度煅烧,通 氩气 烧成Fe2O3;通 氢气 Fe3O4?查看更多7个回答 . 10人已关注
“有效数字”一致?审稿人给出意见,The significant figure should be checked through the manuscript. 2–4 columns of significant figure were shown in the table 1.但是表格中数据跨度很大,如果硬是按照“有效数字”的定义来,显得很是别扭。比如:135.6, 35.2, 0.5 三个数值,则变成:135.6,35.20,0.5000.这种情况如何处理? Table 1已附件形式上传。请各位前辈多多指教!有效数字.png查看更多7个回答 . 16人已关注