请教高人一句话的意思Equipment availability? 不同意9楼关于availability的解释,虽然很努力详细。但还是不对的。 。 从一本书中摘出该定义: availability: the portion of period in an available state or the probability of being in an available state, with available meaning in use or ready for immediate use. av = [total time - (sched. + b/d) maintenance time/total time = (runtime + standby time)/total time 或者: in studies the following approximation is usually applied, which assumes that there are two states, being up and running or under repair. it ignores standby time and scheduled maintenance time. the availability of the equipment item then reduces to : av = mtbf/(mtbf + mttr) mtbf = mean time between failure mttr = mean time to recover查看更多