dice mill 和dicer的翻译? 请问这句话如何翻译: The blend then was fed into a dice mill with a preheated roll temperature of about 185 ℃, .and then chopped into pellets in a dicer。 此处的dice mill 和dicer分别指的是什么 [ ]查看更多11个回答 . 4人已关注
请教几句话的翻译 芳烃回收? 请教如下几句话的翻译: 1. 反应结晶过程及条件;1. Reactive crystallization process and conditions of sodium hydrosulfite; 2. 反应结晶系统物料组成;2. Material composition of reactive crystallization systems; 3. 结晶速率与 搅拌器 转数关系图;3. Relationship chat between crystallization rate and agitator speed 4. 氧化尾气组成(体积百分比);4. Oxidization of emission composition (volume percentage) 5. 目前氧化尾气芳烃回收工艺流程图 ;5. Current exhaust oxidation process in aromatics recovery 6. 氧化尾气芳烃最佳回收工艺流程图 ;6. The best recycle process that oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbon tail gas using hydrogen peroxid 7. 尾气温度与芳烃饱和含量关系;7. Relationship between the content of aromatics saturation and exhaust gas temperature 8. 吸附量与 尾 气中芳烃浓度关系;8. Relationship between the adsorption quantity and aromatic concentration in the exhaust gas 右边是本人试着翻译的内容,若有翻译不对的地方,还请大家指正一下!本人是个英语盲,请不要见笑呀! 查看更多3个回答 . 3人已关注